Page 11 - NorthAmOil Week 37 2022
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NorthAmOil                                 NEWS IN BRIEF                                         NorthAmOil

       NextDecade announces                Vision RNG breaks ground  CIM Group expands

       $85mn private placement of  at Meridian waste site                       investment in renewable
       common stock                        Vision RNG (VRNG) is pleased to announce   natural gas with acquisition
                                           that it has broken ground for construction
       NextDecade today announced a private   of the renewable natural gas (RNG) project   of MAS Energy’s RNG
       placement of common stock pursuant   located on the Meridian Waste Eagle Ridge
       to which NextDecade will sell $85mn of   Landfill located in Bowling Green, Missouri.   development platform
       common stock to 10 institutional investors.   The project will use 1,500 cfm of Landfill
       Shares of NextDecade’s common stock will   Gas (LFG) and construction is scheduled to   CIM Group announced today that it has
       be sold at $5.50 per share, and the private   be completed in Q1 of 2023. The project will   acquired 100% of the renewable natural
       placement is expected to close on September   produce 375,000 mmBtu of RNG annually   gas (RNG) development platform of MAS
       19, 2022, subject to the satisfaction of   that will be injected into a nearby interstate   CanAm, an affiliate of MAS Energy, a leading
       customary closing conditions.       natural gas pipeline and used by various   developer, owner and operator of landfill gas-
         The company intends to use the proceeds   customers across the US for transportation   based RNG in the US and Canada, including
       from the private placement to continue   fuel and other sustainability purposes. RNG   a portfolio of seven projects currently under
       development activity in preparation for its   production has numerous environmental and   construction or in development. As part of
       anticipated positive final investment decision   economic benefits, including but not limited   the transaction, the platform will be renamed
       on the first three trains at its Rio Grande LNG   to being a carbon-neutral energy solution,   Terreva Renewables.
       project.                            lowering methane emissions, reducing our   Terreva is expected to produce RNG
         Credit Suisse Securities (USA) is acting   dependence on fossil fuels, and utilising the   by year-end 2022 and will be a significant
       as exclusive placement agent for the private   current natural gas infrastructure.  participant in the North American RNG
       placement.                             Based in Canonsburg PA, VRNG was   sector, with the initial portfolio expecting to
       NEXTDECADE, September 15, 2022      formed in 2021 with funding from Vision   produce more than 3.9mn mmbtu of RNG
                                           Ridge Partners. VRNG is led by a strong   per annum. CIM Group plans to meaningfully
                                           team of experienced Oil and Gas, RNG, and   grow the Terreva Renewables platform in
       ENERGY TRANSITION                   Landfill experts.                    North America and further establish it as a
                                              “At Meridian Waste, our environmental   leading player in RNG.
       Project Canary and                  services team has always considered our   represents a marquee transaction in the RNG
                                                                                  “CIM Group’s acquisition of Terreva
                                           landfills to be highly engineered structures
       Sensirion Connected                 that provide a vital resource to our local   sector that came about as a result of our long-
                                                                                standing commitment to and experience in
                                           communities,” stated Walter “Wally” Hall,
       Solutions join forces to            Meridian Waste’s CEO. “We view the   renewable energy, and our strong, established
                                           conversion of our landfill gas to clean energy
                                                                                relationship with MAS Energy. We continue
       broaden methane detection           to be an effective means of recycling and   to believe RNG is a crucial component of the
                                           reusing this valuable resource. And in our
                                                                                global energy transition and are excited to
       and quantification                  business, wasting energy is simply a waste of   contribute as a leader in decarbonisation,” said
                                                                                Avi Shemesh, co-founder and principal, CIM
       technology in the US market         VISION RNG, September 14, 2022       Group.
                                                                                  Terreva’s initial portfolio comprises RNG
       Project Canary, a leading climate data insights
       and emissions performance company,
       announced a partnership today with Sensirion
       Connected Solutions (SCS), a leading provider
       of sensor-based monitoring solutions. Project
       Canary’s climate analytics platform now
       provides upstream and midstream operators
       access to various methane monitoring sensors,
       including third party devices, to account for
       total site emissions.
         United by joint climate missions
       and leadership teams who value trust,
       transparency, and reliability, the innovative
       new offering of Project Canary and SCS
       gives customers more choices to impact
       climate change positively and future-proof
       their methane detection and quantification
       CONNECTED SOLUTIONS, September 15, 2022

       Week 37   15•September•2022              www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P11
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