Page 12 - NorthAmOil Week 37 2022
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NorthAmOil NEWS IN BRIEF NorthAmOil
projects under construction in Vancouver, BC; SDG&E hydrogen pilot would use hydrogen blended gas for common
Appleton, WI; McElhattan, PA; Grayslake, IL; building equipment such as boilers and
and Suffolk, VA, and exclusive gas rights for project aims to advance water heaters. Hydrogen used in this study
two additional projects in North Carolina. would be produced onsite via a dedicated,
As part of the transaction, the existing CA’s clean energy goals grid-connected electrolyser. The results of the
development team will continue leading the study would help inform the development of
company. As another step toward fulfilling regional a renewable hydrogen blending standard for
RNG continues to grow in use as the and state climate goals and its own net zero California.
United States transitions to renewable fuels, roadmap, San Diego Gas & Electric Company “Achieving the state’s climate goals,
supported on a Federal level by the Renewable (SDG&E) submitted a proposal with the including reaching carbon neutrality by 2045,
Fuel Standard programme and by various California Public Utilities Commission will require a broad range of clean energy
State-level programs, such as California’s (CPUC) on September 8 for a demonstration technologies. That’s why we are investing in
Low Carbon Fuel Standard and Oregon’s project on the University of California the research, development and demonstration
Clean Fuels Program. Utilities and other San Diego (UC San Diego) campus to of emerging hydrogen innovations that have
thermal energy end users are also increasingly study how blending hydrogen with natural the potential to be a game changer,” said
turning to RNG as a method of reducing or gas in the existing gas system could help SDG&E CEO Caroline Winn. “Developing
eliminating their carbon footprint, either achieve a successful energy transition for all clean fuels like hydrogen is key to creating
through voluntary means or regulation such Californians. a clean, reliable and climate-resilient energy
as California’s Senate Bill 1440 and British The project is part of SDG&E’s multi- sector, while also stimulating economic and
Columbia’s Greenhouse Gas Reduction pronged sustainability strategy to explore the job growth.”
Regulation. feasibility of emerging technologies to rapidly The UC system and UC San Diego have
“Given RNG’s versatility, Terreva’s go- decarbonize multiple economic sectors – from long been sustainability leaders. The UC
forward revenue strategy is to include a buildings and transportation to industrial and system aims to achieve net zero greenhouse
mix of high-quality transportation-related manufacturing processes – to help California gas emissions from its buildings and fleet
customers, investment-grade utilities, and reach its carbon neutrality goal by 2045. If by 2025. UC San Diego is a global leader
other institutional offtakers under long-term approved by the CPUC, the project would in advanced battery and energy storage
fixed-price contracts. This flexibility makes it study the feasibility of injecting up to 20% research and deployment, and it’s home to a
an extremely important resource in the fight of hydrogen into plastic natural gas pipe, a microgrid powered by a fuel cell and the Deep
against climate change,” added Shemesh. common material used in the natural gas Decarbonization Initiative.
CIM GROUP, September 12, 2022 infrastructure. An isolated section of a gas line SAN DIEGO GAS & ELECTRIC COMPANY,
serving a UC San Diego apartment complex September 12, 2022
P12 www. NEWSBASE .com Week 37 15•September•2022