Page 14 - DMEA Week 35 2022
P. 14
Including selections from NewsBase’s partner service
Egypt makes a major
move into green hydrogen
production projects
Egypt has given a major push to establish itself
as a global hub for green hydrogen production
with the signing of seven memoranda of under-
standing (MoUs) with international companies,
according to a cabinet press release.
The MoUs signed with international green
hydrogen players were represented on the Egyp-
tian side by the New and Renewable Energy
Authority, the General Authority for the Suez
Canal Economic Zone (SCZONE), the Egyptian
Electricity Transmission and Distribution Com-
pany and the Egypt Sovereign Fund.
The seven consortia eyeing green hydrogen and denounced recent clashes in Tripoli between divisions.
production in the Suez Canal area strategically rival factions vying for power. Guterres emphasised the importance of
located on the trade routes between East and At least 42 people were killed and dozens holding free, fair, inclusive, and credible presi-
West are: more wounded over the weekend as deadly dential and parliamentary elections based on a
British-led Globaleq is planning to build a clashes erupted between rival political factions constitutional and legal framework agreed upon
green hydrogen plant with 2mn tonne annual in the capital. Forces loyal to PM Abdulhamid between the different parties.
(tpy) production capacity on a 10mn-square Dbeibah attempted to push back a convoy of He also expressed concerns over Libyans’
metre area in the SCZONE. militia loyal to the parliament-appointed gov- worsening living conditions.
The Saudi Al Fanar company will establish a ernment of Fathi Bashagha in a fresh struggle bna/IntelliNews, August 31 2022
facility for the production of 500,000 tpy of green for control.
fuel at a 4mn-sqm facility, whose first phase will Addressing the UN Security Council, Rose- Libya’s interim PM Dbeibah
target the output of 250,000 tonnes of green fuel. mary A. DiCarlo, the UN Under-Secretary-Gen-
UAE’s Alcazar will establish a green hydrogen eral for Political and Peacebuilding Affairs, said says foreign agendas
facility with a 230,000 tpy production capacity at elections remain the only way to break the
a 37,000-sqm site in the Sokhna area. current impasse in the war-torn country. No behind Tripoli clashes
Also UAE’s K & K will produce 230,000 tpy of progress has been made in that regard despite
green hydrogen in Sokhna industrial zone. substantial efforts from the UN to reach a con- Libya’s interim Prime Minister Abdulhamid
MEP, an Egyptian-US joint venture, plans to sensus on a constitutional framework for the Dbeibah said on Sunday, August 28, that armed
produce 120,000 tpy of green ammonia from a elections, she noted. groups responsible for deadly clashes in Libya
100,000-sqm site in Sokhna industrial zone. DiCarlo said she is deeply concerned that over the weekend were tools for foreign agendas
India’s ACME Group has large plans to pro- the ongoing stalemate and continued delays in that want Libya to remain unstable.
duce 2.2mn tpy of green hydrogen from a facility implementing the electoral process pose a grow- In a televised statement, Dbeibah said such
to be built on 4.5mn sqm in the Sokhna indus- ing threat to security in and around Tripoli, and armed groups have created unrest in the past
trial area. potentially to all Libyans. eight years, and pledged to hold those who
UK’s Actis is coming in with a smaller facility “That threat materialised just a few days ago, “made the aggression on Tripoli” accountable,
to produce 200,000 tpy of green hydrogen and when Tripoli was again the theatre of violent even if they belong to the military.
green ammonia, located over a 2mn-sqm area clashes between armed groups supporting Mr. He said the Defence Ministry will move to
in Sokhna industrial zone. Dbeibah and Mr. Bashaga respectively,” she told close the camps occupied by armed groups in
bna/IntelliNews, August 29 2022 ambassadors. “In light of the deterioration of downtown Tripoli, as well as their security posts,
the political and security climate in Tripoli, the and get them outside the city.
UN official warns that United Nations must continue to provide and failed as Libyans will no longer accept illegiti-
He added that the parallel government has
enhance good offices and mediation to help Lib-
“political stalemate” in yan actors resolve the ongoing impasse and seek mate bodies, calling for the participation of all
parties in fair and transparent elections.
a consensual pathway to elections.”
Libya threatens security, firmed the lack of progress and said continued more wounded over the weekend as deadly
At least 32 people were killed and dozens
Libya’s UN Ambassador, Taher El Sonni, reaf-
urges quick elections security and military tensions have resulted in clashes erupted between Libyan political fac-
suffering for all Libyans.
tions in the capital Tripoli. Forces loyal to PM
A high-ranking UN official has warned that On May 23, UN Secretary-General António Dbeibah attempted to push back a convoy of
the ongoing stalemate in Libya and contin- Guterres urged Libyan parties to resume, as soon militia loyal to the parliament-appointed gov-
ued delays in holding elections pose a growing as possible, the electoral process that was halted ernment of Fathi Bashagha in a fresh struggle
threat to security to its people and the region, in December 2021 due to increased political for control.
P14 www. NEWSBASE .com Week 35 01•September•2022