Page 15 - DMEA Week 35 2022
P. 15

DMEA                                        NEWS IN BRIEF                                             DMEA

             business new africa       bna/IntelliNews

       Libya was plunged into chaos after the Arab  Moammar Qaddafi, splitting between rival  provisions of the Nigerian Oil and Gas Industry
       Spring in 2011, which saw the ousting of for-  governments – one in the east, backed by mil-  Content Development (NOGICD) Act. He said
       mer dictator, Moammar Qaddafi. His removal  itary commander Khalifa Haftar, and another,  the reason is because “NLNG has a vision not
       led to a split between rival governments: one in  UN-supported administration in the capital  just to be a globally competitive NLNG business,
       the east, backed by military commander Khalifa  Tripoli in the west.     but to help build a better Nigeria. To do that we
       Haftar, and another in the west, the UN-sup-  The North African country is currently in  have to work closely with the NCDMB and raise
       ported administration in the capital, Tripoli.  a state of uncertainty over the fate of the polit-  our partnership to a new level, and that includes
       bna/IntelliNews, August 30 2022     ical process in the light of its failure to con-  human development, research, and other areas.”
                                           duct presidential and parliamentary elections   Speaking on the ongoing Train 7 LNG pro-
       Death toll from Tripoli             on December 24, 2021, as had been planned  ject, Mshelbila recalled how NCDMB supported
                                           earlier. Tensions continued over issues that  the Nigeria LNG in various ways to enable the
       clashes rises to 32,                included divisive candidates and a disputed legal  takeoff of the project. He said: “the Final Invest-
                                                                                ment Decision (FID) was taken successfully
       UN calls for immediate              that affected oil exports and internal stability  now under construction, making good and safe
                                              Libya has suffered from persistent struggles  with the help of NCDMB and the project is
       ceasefire                           mainly due to political disputes.    progress. We are looking at potentially 5,000
                                              In July, violent clashes between armed groups  to 10,000 persons being employed on different
       At least 32 people were killed and dozens more  in Tripoli left at least 16 people dead and 52  phases of the project. We already have thousands
       wounded over the weekend as deadly clashes  wounded when rival groups exchanged fire in  working on the ground. It is employing various
       erupted between Libyan political factions in the  a central district which hosts main diplomatic  contractors across different areas. This is a true
       capital Tripoli, the health ministry said in a state-  missions, and clashes spread to the areas of Ain  example of how local content should be.”
       ment on Sunday, August 28. The death toll was  Zara and Asbaa.             The Executive Secretary in his remarks com-
       expected to rise in the bloodiest clashes in two   The UN’s Libya mission called for an imme-  mended Nigeria LNG for its impressive compli-
       years, with the UN calling for an immediate stop  diate ceasefire. It is not yet known whether the  ance with the provisions of the Nigerian Content
       to hostilities in the North African country.  clashes will affect the oil production and exports  Act, adding that the Board has continually ful-
         Small-arms fire and explosions were heard in  which resumed a normal capacity of 1.21mn  filled its obligations on the Service Level Agree-
       several areas of the capital. Hundreds of people  barrels per day (bpd) last week.  ment. He expressed delight with the progress
       were evacuated from areas around the fighting.   bna/IntelliNews, August 29 2022  being made with the execution of the LNG Train
       On Saturday, August 27, forces loyal to Interim                          7 project, noting that it had reached about 30%
       PM Abdulhamid Dbeibah attempted to push   NCDMB, NLNG to deepen          completion.
       back a convoy of militia loyal to the parlia-                              He also stated that the worth of the Train 7
       ment-appointed government of Fathi Bashagha   partnership on projects,   project is about $5bn, which represents huge
       in a fresh struggle for control.                                         foreign direct investment (FDI) into the Nige-
         Tribal groups and militias in southern and   LPG penetration           rian economy. Other economic benefits include
       central parts of the country have been in regu-                          the creation of 10,000 direct jobs and about
       lar clashes to exert pressure on the Tripoli-based  The Nigerian Content Development and Mon-  40,000 indirect employment opportunities. He
       government of Dbeibeh to hand over power to  itoring Board (NCDMB) and Nigeria LNG Ltd  added: “There are also upstream projects that
       Bashagha. The fresh fighting came after months  will set up a tactical team comprising nominees  are currently being approved that will supply
       of mounting tensions between their respective  from both organisations to drive closer collab-  gas to Train 7. Those upstream projects will lead
       backers.                            oration on projects, ensure compliance with  to additional $6m foreign direct investment
         Dbeibah’s Government of National Unity  Nigerian Content obligations and promote other  into the country. This will create employment
       (GNU) said fighting had broken out after  strategic alliances for the good of the nation’s  opportunities, touch the lives of families, raise
       talks to avoid bloodshed failed, but Bashagha  economy.                  the profile of the country as a major LNG pro-
       denied such talks had occurred and accused   This decision was reached on Wednesday  ducer and increase our domestic LPG (cooking
       Dbeibah’s administration of clinging to power.  when the Managing Director of Nigeria LNG  gas) production. Train 7 is already providing a
       Pro-Bashagha militias reportedly heading to  Ltd, Dr. Philip Mshelbila led his management  lot of jobs for Nigerian contractors, fabricators,
       Tripoli from Misrata later turned back on Sat-  team to pay a courtesy visit to the Executive  logistics companies and more. The benefits are
       urday night.                        Secretary of the NCDMB, Engr. Simbi Kesiye  enormous.”
         Libya plunged into chaos after the Arab  Wabote at the Nigerian Content Tower, Yenagoa,   He assured that the Board will continue to
       Spring in 2011 that ousted ex-dictatorship  Bayelsa State.               collaborate closely with the Nigeria LNG, espe-
                                              The Managing Director explained that the  cially to ensure deeper LPG (cooking gas) pen-
                                           visit was conceived to introduce the company’s  etration into the Nigerian market, hinting that
                                           new management team to the NCDMB. He  NCDMB had partnered with several investors
                                           stated: “NLNG and NCDMB have a special part-  towards improving the accessibility of LPG.
                                           nership that is beyond operator and regulator   Wabote also encouraged Nigeria LNG to
                                           relationship. We started this relationship when  consider further investments, highlighting that
                                           we signed a Service Level Agreement (SLA) a few  Qatar already had 14 LNG trains. He said Nige-
                                           years ago and it put in place standards by which  ria needed to grow its LNG capacities, especially
                                           we would work together and ensure compliance  with the world’s clamour for energy transition
                                           and guard against surprises.”        and Federal Government’s declaration that gas
                                              He said the current plan is to take the rela-  is Nigeria’s transition fuel.
                                           tionship further and beyond complying with the   NCDMB, August 25 2022

       Week 35   01•September•2022              www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P15
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