Page 16 - DMEA Week 35 2022
P. 16
Namibia: Four pilot
projects awarded €30mn
in German funding
The Government of Namibia has selected four
Power-to-X green hydrogen pilot projects
that will receive upwards of €30mn in Ger-
man-backed funding. The projects, selected out
of 25 applications submitted in June this year,
will all be located in Erongo and are set to kick-
start the country’s hydrogen economy.
The first selected project includes a Cleanergy
hydrogen refueling station located in Walvis Bay. Meanwhile, Namibia is planning the creation far, exports have been directed to Arab countries,
The project comprises a 5-MW solar photovol- of four green hydrogen valleys, with plans having Africa, and Southeast Europe. This year, Green
taic (PV) system, a 5-MW electrolyser and a already been drawn up. The first valley will be Magic currently offers 79 products using domes-
hydrogen refueling system. located at Erongo and will comprise a solar-pow- tic raw inputs needed for the fertiliser industry,
With €25mn allocated to the project, the ered electrolysis system that will produce ammo- such as phosphate, nitrogen, and potassium
green hydrogen pilot will test technologies to nia, as well as a terminal for synfuels export from Egypt’s Chemical and Fertilisers Export
develop offtake applications across the trans- Walvis Bay port. The second, located at Karas, Council (CEC) said in August that exports of
portation, mining and port sectors, while at will see a solar-onshore-wind hybrid facility fertiliser products reached $1.48bn in H1-2022,
the same time facilitating skills and technology that will produce ammonia for export. Exports up 54% y/y.
development. Following the outcome of the pilot will be done at the Luderitz and Oranjemund bna/IntelliNews, September 1 2022
project, a larger commercial ammonia produc- ports, with the ports connected via a hydrogen
tion project will be planned. pipeline. Nigeria to import
The second project comprises a 1.5-GW The third valley at Otjozondjupa will pro-
green hydrogen project that targets the produc- duce synfuel using carbon dioxide emitted by services, petrochemical
tion of 508kg of green ammonia per day in its the cement industry, as well as solar-powered
first phase. €15.1mn has been allocated towards hydrogen as feedstock, also prepared for export products from Iran
the project, with additional components includ- from Walvis Bay. Finally, the fourth valley will be
ing the establishment of a green hydrogen located at Kuene and will utilise a hybrid format Nigeria has signed to a memorandum of under-
scheme for ammonia nitrate crop; the develop- made up of solar and wind-powered electrolysis standing (MoU) that will see Abuja import
ment of integrated application technologies for to produce ammonia near a new port. technical services, engineering services and
utilising green hydrogen in a variety of sectors, Energy Capital & Power, August 25 2022 petrochemical products from Iran, local media
such as agriculture, ammonia nitrate and clean- report.
ing detergents; and the developments of fuel cell At a meeting in Tehran on August 27, Iranian
operated center pivots, boreholes and houses. PETROCHEMICALS Oil Minister Javad Owji and Minister of State for
The third project has been allocated €7.63mn Petroleum Resources of Nigeria Timipre Sylva
and will see the development of a hydrogen dual Egyptian firm Green inked a deal to expand cooperation in various
fuel locomotive pilot. With the funding, the pro- energy sectors.
ject will convert two locomotives in two different Magic producing new In particular, the deal will likely see collabora-
ways so that they operate on hydrogen and die- tion in manufacturing dual-fuel cars. Both Iran
sel. Carried out in collaboration with Namibian fertilisers for export and Nigeria have large reserves of oil and gas
national rail services company, TransNamib, the while the West African country is the sixth-big-
project will test the locomotives along a 210-km, Egyptian company Green Magic plans to pro- gest exporter of LNG in the world. Nigeria will
one-way route from Walvis Bay to Kranzberg in duce new types of fertilisers for export, with also import urea, a chemical widely used in
18 months. plans to establish a Latin American foothold fertilisers.
Finally, the fourth project aims to test beginning in Brazil, the Brazil-Arab news agency Speaking in Tehran, Owji revealed that the
green hydrogen applications in the port. With reports, citing Amr Raslan, the board chair for two countries had previously discussed coop-
€5.66mn allocated, this pilot project incorpo- production. eration at the Gas Exporting Countries Forum
rates a 5-MW electrolyser as well as a hydrogen Green Magic filed a request to the local Min- (GECF) in Qatar.
mobile refueller, converting existing tugboats istry of Agriculture and Land Reclamation to “In today’s meeting, according to the previous
and port equipment to operate on hydrogen obtain a licence to produce the new fertiliser constructive meetings with the Nigerian side, a
dual fuel technology. Additionally, the project types as well as another request to obtain a plot favourable memorandum of understanding for
will develop green bunkering and refueling in Wadi El-Natrun, northern Egypt, to establish cooperation was signed between Iranian compa-
infrastructure. Developed in partnership with a new plant specialising in the production of nies and Nigeria in various fields of energy,” Owji
Cleanergy Solutions Namibia, CMB Germany, agricultural pesticides by 2023. is quoted by local media as saying, noting that
the Namibian Ports Authority and the University Green Magic’s existing Wadi El-Natrun facil- the signed document also included an agree-
of Namibia, the project will also explore future ity produces 3,000 tonnes per year. The domestic ment on the reconstruction and modernisation
Namibia-Germany cooperation regarding the market absorbs 70% of the company’s produc- of Nigerian oil and gas refineries
entire hydrogen value chain. tion, while the remaining 30% is exported. Thus bna/IntelliNews, August 30 2022
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