Page 10 - GLNG Week 24 2021
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GLNG                                        NEWS IN BRIEF                                              GLNG

       AMERICAS                            along with two more precoolers.      in the ship’s years-long journey to completion
                                             Often described as the “heart” of an LNG   also officially begins Royal Caribbean’s next
       Main cryogenic heat                 facility, MCHEs are made to liquefy natural   chapter in building a clean-energy future as
                                                                                the leader in innovative ship design. Debuting
                                           gas. Gas enters an MCHE near its base and
       exchanger and precoolers            exits at its top in a sub-cooled, liquefied state,   in fall 2023, Icon will be the cruise line’s first of
                                                                                three ships to be powered by LNG (liquefied
                                           at -160 Celsius. The liquefied gas is then piped
       arrive at the LNG Canada            to a storage tank, and from there, it is loaded   natural gas). LNG and the state-of-the-art
                                           onto specialised carriers for ocean transport.
                                                                                ship’s additional environmentally friendly
       site in Kitimat                     increasing efficiencies during different   applications, such as shore power connection,
                                             Precoolers are also integral to the process,
                                                                                will boost energy efficiencies and reduce
       Three towering pieces of equipment critical to   stages of gas liquification. All three pieces of   carbon footprint. More details about Icon’s
       the gas liquification process have arrived at the  infrastructure are precision engineered from   advanced environmental technologies will be
       LNG Canada site in Kitimat, as construction   aluminium and are pressure tested prior to   revealed at a future date.
       activities progress through the project’s “going   delivery.               “We made our commitment to making
       vertical” stage, with other key milestones on   LNG CANADA, June 14, 2021  clean power at sea a reality – and soon the
       the horizon.                                                             norm – when Icon Class was first announced
         Crews spent the week of June 7 carefully   An icon is born as          in 2016, and we’re excited to see construction
       offloading a 345-tonne main cryogenic heat                               underway on what will truly be a ship unlike
       exchanger (MCHE) and two precooler units,   Royal Caribbean              any other,” said Michael Bayley, president
       which weigh 308 tonnes and 284 tonnes                                    and CEO, Royal Caribbean International.
       respectively, from a cargo ship docked at the   starts construction on   “Our decades of work in ocean conservation,
       LNG Canada project’s new material offloading                             energy efficiency and continuous
       facility (MOF) in Kitimat Harbour.  revolutionary ship                   improvement will be evident all throughout
         The equipment was then placed on large,                                Icon. We look forward to revealing more of
       self-propelled modular transporters, which   An iconic day for the cruise industry’s next   the game-changing features our guests and
       will slowly move the pieces along the project   iconic ship took place on Monday, June 14   crew have in store as she begins to take shape.”
       site’s new three-kilometre-long haul road to   when Royal Caribbean International marked   Royal Caribbean is already known for
       the main construction area in the coming   the start of construction on its first Icon   its decades of work in making strides on
       days, where they will soon be connected to   Class ship. To celebrate the milestone, the   energy efficiency and reduced emissions
       other pieces of LNG infrastructure.  world’s largest cruise line held a steel-cutting   through such technologies as air lubrication,
         The largest of the three new pieces of   ceremony at Finnish shipyard Meyer Turku,   which sends billions of microscopic bubbles
       equipment, the MCHE is approximately 50   where the revolutionary ship’s name was   along the hull of a ship to reduce friction,
       metres in length. Once installed vertically, it   revealed as Icon of the Seas.   and advanced waste heat recovery systems
       will be among the most visible components at   In attendance at the ceremony was Richard   that turn waste heat into extra energy, up
       the LNG Canada facility.            Fain, chairman and CEO, Royal Caribbean   to 3 megawatts, to help power the ship’s
         It is the first of two MCHE units built by   Group; Michael Bayley, president and CEO,   operations. Use of such technologies,
       Linde for the LNG Canada project; the second   Royal Caribbean International; and Tim   including LNG, will result in further reduced
       MCHE is expected to arrive later this year,   Meyer, CEO of Meyer Turku. The initial step   emissions overall, virtually zero sulphur
                                                                                dioxides and particulates, and a significant
                                                                                reduction in the production of nitrogen
                                                                                ROYAL CARIBBEAN INTERNATIONAL, June 16,


                                                                                H-Energy signs

                                                                                memorandum of
                                                                                understanding (MoU) with

                                                                                Petrobangla for supply

                                                                                of regasified LNG to

                                                                                Achieving a major milestone for supply of
                                                                                regasified LNG from India to Bangladesh,
                                                                                H-Energy signed the Memorandum of

       P10                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                           Week 24   18•June•2021
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