Page 8 - GLNG Week 24 2021
P. 8

GLNG                                            AMERICAS                                               GLNG

       Petrobras may consider ramping

       up LNG imports amid maintenance

        PERFORMANCE      BRAZIL’S Petrobras may increase LNG imports  of the country’s power generation mix. Accord-
                         by 50% to compensate for an expected drop in  ing to Bloomberg, Brazil has already imported
                         domestic natural gas flows when the Rota 1 pipe-  34 US LNG cargoes over the six months up to
                         line is shut down for maintenance in August, it  June – a record number – in an effort to cover
                         emerged this week. Work on the offshore pipe-  the power supply gap. The news service noted in
                         line is set to begin on August 15, and the resulting  early June that Brazilian imports were approach-
                         reduction in gas flows from the offshore Mexil-  ing levels typically seen only from buyers in Asia
                         hao platform is estimated to have the potential  and Europe, eclipsing US shipments of LNG to
                         to cut gas-fired power capacity by around 3 GW.  Chile and Mexico.
                           Energy regulator ANP’s director Rodolfo   Petrobras was reported at the time to be tap-
                         Saboia said in the Brazilian lower house on June  ping the spot market for a further four LNG car-
                         16 that his agency had approved raising LNG  goes. Now, as maintenance on Rota 1 looms, the
                         imports to 30mn cubic metres per day from 20  number appears set to rise further still.
                         mcm per day.                           In the longer term, Brazilian LNG imports
                           Additional LNG would be processed in the  could also rise owing to taxes on new steps in gas
                         Baia da Guanabara terminal in Rio de Janeiro.  production that could discourage investment in
                         Additionally, Pecem’s floating regasification  increased output from offshore pre-salt regions.
                         terminal would be relocated from Pernambuco  The 9.25% federal Pis/Cofins tax applies to inter-
                         State to Bahia State to help increase LNG pro-  mediate activities in the upstream, including gas
                         cessing capacity by 14 mcm per day.  flow from offshore basins, processing and stor-
                           This comes as Brazil struggles with a drought  age. This week, Argus Media cited exploration
                         that is also resulting in higher demand for LNG,  and production companies as saying this favours
                         given that hydropower accounts for around 70%  imported LNG over their production.™

                                                    AUSTRAL ASIA

       Australian government backs oil, gas sector

        POLICY           AUSTRALIAN Prime Minister Scott Morrison  (COVID-19) pandemic. Under the scenario
                         has pledged that the oil and gas sector will “always”  laid out by Canberra in September 2020, Aus-
                         be a pillar of the economy, even as domestic  tralia will see both greater production and
                         investment in clean energy alternatives grows.  consumption of gas. Domestic manufacturing
                           Morrison, during a video address to Aus-  should grow exponentially on the back of lower
                         tralian Petroleum Production and Exploration  gas prices.
                         Association’s (APPEA) annual conference in   The fact that this plan has failed to win sup-
                         Perth on June 15, said: “The oil and gas sector  port from gas producers, the environmental
       The Coalition     is a major contributor to Australia’s prosperity –  lobby and the Australian Energy Market Oper-
       government will   always has, will always be.”         ator (AEMO) has done nothing to dampen the
       continue to support the   He said the Coalition government would  government’s enthusiasm.
       upstream and exporters   continue to support both the upstream as well   “I know there is a new energy economy com-
       of LNG amid the energy   as exporters of LNG as country transitions to a  ing and we need to be ready for it, we need to be
       transition.       “new energy economy”.                part of it, and we will be successful in it,” Morri-
                           He added: “I want you to know we are back-  son said. “We need to make sure that Australia
                         ing you in to stay on top as one of the world’s  succeeds. But that will not come at the cost of
                         leading exporters of LNG, and with a plan  our heavy industry and manufacturing indus-
                         here in Australia that sees gas as key, the key to  tries, it will not come through higher taxes, it
                         securing reliable, affordable energy in a transi-  will come through technology, and innovation
                         tioning energy market, moving to a new energy  and the entrepreneurship of our industry lead-
                         economy.”                            ers, through supporting Australia’s resources
                           Morrison’s government has been promot-  sector to explore the future – that’s how we make
                         ing a “gas-led recovery” from the coronavirus  our way.”™

       P8                                       www. NEWSBASE .com                           Week 24   18•June•2021
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