Page 4 - GLNG Week 24 2021
P. 4

GLNG                                          COMMENTARY                                               GLNG

       IOCs reportedly bid to participate

       in Qatar’s LNG expansion

       Six leading IOCs have reportedly submitted bids to participate in Qatar’s giant gas

       expansion project

        PROJECTS &       SIX leading international oil companies (IOCs)  has a critical role to play as a transition fuel – and
        COMPANIES        have reportedly submitted bids to participate in  a destination fuel – in a decarbonising world.
                         Qatar’s giant LNG expansion project as Doha  And state-owned Qatar Petroleum (QP) has
       WHAT:             seeks to ramp up output from its 386bn barrels  sought to position its LNG expansion as being
       Six of the world’s leading   of oil equivalent (boe) gas reserves.  aligned with the energy transition.
       oil and gas companies   Citing industry sources familiar with the mat-  The company has been talking up its commit-
       have reportedly bid for   ter, Reuters reported that the companies had  ment to reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emis-
       participation in Qatar’s   submitted bids for participation in the $28.75bn  sions from its operations and is planning to add
       LNG expansion.    North Field East (NFE) expansion project on  a carbon capture and storage (CCS) component
                         May 24. The bidders are reported to include  at the NFE project.
       WHY:              ExxonMobil, Royal Dutch Shell, TotalEnergies
       Qatar can go it alone to   and ConocoPhillips – which are already part-  Changing needs
       develop the project but   ners in Qatar’s existing LNG operations – and  This comes after QP took a final investment deci-
       is thought to be seeking   new entrants Chevron and Eni.  sion (FID) on NFE alone earlier this year. The
       partners to help market   An Eni spokesperson confirmed to Reuters  company had previously relied on IOCs’ exper-
       its gas.          that the company is participating in the bidding  tise – as well as their investments – to develop
                         process, though the other firms mentioned have  its initial liquefaction capacity but now has the
       WHAT NEXT:        not commented on the matter.         expertise to go it alone. However, having part-
       The results of the tender   The NFE project is set to raise Qatar’s lique-  ners to market the LNG volumes produced is
       are not expected before   faction capacity from 79mn tonnes per year  thought to be the main driver behind Doha’s
       September.        currently to 110mn tpy by 2026. It is the world’s  attempt to bring in other participants now.
                         single largest LNG project.           “I don’t think QP needs the IOCs’ expertise
                           The news illustrates that interest in develop-  in the upstream or midstream construction of
                         ing major oil and gas projects remains, even as  the project but they will be glad to see someone
                         many IOCs – and indeed some state-owned  take some LNG volumes off their hands,” a sen-
                         companies – step up efforts to decarbonise.  ior source at one of the bidding companies told
                         Indeed, LNG players maintain that natural gas  Reuters.

                                                                                                  Qatar’s LNG
                                                                                                  capacity expansion
                                                                                                  is underpinned by
                                                                                                  the North Field East

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