Page 7 - GLNG Week 24 2021
P. 7
NLNG signs supply deals with
three local companies
PROJECTS & THE Nigeria LNG (NLNG) consortium is a clean and affordable fuel for cooking and
COMPANIES revealed last week that it had signed supply deals home heating, he asserted.
with three local companies. The NLNG managing director also urged
Speaking at the CEO Roundtable session Nigeria to make more use of its natural and
of the Nigeria International Petroleum Sum- associated gas reserves, saying that the coun-
mit (NIPS), NLNG’s managing director Tony try did not need to use crude oil or petroleum
Attah said the group had recently signed deals products to power its economy. Nigeria has 203 The NLNG
with Asiko Power, Bridport Energy and Gas- trillion feet (5.75 trillion cubic metres) of gas in
Plus Energy. These supply and purchase agree- proven reserves, as well as 600 tcf (16.99 tcm) in managing
ments (SPAs) provide for the delivery of 1.1mn potential reserves, he noted. This is enough to
tonnes per year (tpy) of LNG, he said, without support a wide range of gas-to-power and indus- director also
revealing how much each company would trialisation programmes that have the potential
receive. to transform the economy, while also reining in urged Nigeria to
He further indicated that NLNG had negoti- carbon emissions, he said. make more use
ated the deals within the framework of efforts to NLNG is the operator of a gas liquefaction
promote domestic consumption of LNG, either plant on Bonny Island. The facility has six pro- of its natural and
as a fuel for manufacturing facilities and power duction trains capable of turning out a total of
plants or as feedstock for LPG. The signing of the 22.5mn tpy, and its capacity is set to rise to 30mn associated gas
SPAs will facilitate efforts to establish local deliv- tpy as a result of the Train 7 project. This scheme
ery infrastructure, he said. envisions the construction of a seventh produc- reserves.
In the meantime, Attah said, NLNG is also tion train that can turn out 4.2mn tpy, as well as
expanding its own production of LPG for sale the debottlenecking of existing trains, which will
on the Nigerian market. The consortium turned add another 3.4mn tpy of capacity.
out 370,000 tonnes of LPG last year and hopes Equity in the consortium is divided between
to raise the figure to 450,000 tonnes in 2022, he state-owned Nigerian National Petroleum
stated. Corp. (NNPC), with 49%; Royal Dutch Shell
He also praised the Nigerian government’s (UK/Netherlands), with 25.6%; TotalEnergies
policy of promoting LPG as an alternative to (France), with 15%, and Eni (Italy), with 10.4%.
solid fuels such as wood, charcoal or dung. LPG The partners began production in 1999.
Week 24 18•June•2021 www. NEWSBASE .com P7