Page 14 - DMEA Week 34
P. 14

DMEA                                              POLICY                                               DMEA

       Syria plunged into darkness after

       gas pipeline explosion

        SYRIA            SYRIA suffered a nationwide blackout in the  suffered a major blackout in 2013 when the pipe-
                         early hours of August 24, after a pipeline explo-  line was shelled by rebel forces.
       Attacks on Syrian oil   sion which authorities have said was a terrorist   The latest explosion came just hours before
       and gas infrastructure   attack.                       representatives of the Syrian government,
       have been           The explosion occurred between the towns  the opposition and civil society sat down for
       commonplace in recent   of Adra and Dumair near Damascus at the Arab  UN-sponsored talks in Geneva. They are dis-
       years.            gas pipeline, which supplies gas from Egypt to  cussing a possible new constitution which the
                         Jordan, Syria and Lebanon. No deaths or inju-  UN says could be a “door opener” to a final
                         ries have been reported. But gas supplies to  resolution to the war. The conflict has killed
                         three power stations in the country’s south were  over 400,000 people, displaced millions and
                         affected.                            inflicted severe damage to the country’s energy
                           According to state television network Ikh-  infrastructure.
                         bariya, the resulting blaze was extinguished in   The peace process has made little headway
                         the morning. Authorities are preparing to repair  this year as a result of the coronavirus (COVID-
                         the damage and are working steadily to restore  19) pandemic. But there are hopes that the new
                         normal electricity supplies. Supplies were soon  round of talks could get the process back on
                         restored to key facilities in Damascus such as  track. Representatives of regional and world
                         hospitals, Syrian Electricity Minister Moham-  powers including Iran, Russia, Turkey and the
                         mad Kharboutli said hours after the incident.  US are also understood to be present at the
                           Syrian Petroleum Minister Ali Ghanem said  negotiations.
                         the blast was the result of a terrorist attack.  Attacks on Syrian oil and gas infrastructure
                           “After an assessment of the situation, it was  have been commonplace in recent years, and
                         determined that the explosion that took place on  often no one has claimed responsibility. ISIS lost
                         the gas pipeline ... had been caused by a terrorist  their remaining territory in Syria last year, but
                         attack,” he said, according to Ikhbariya.  the group’s militants continue to launch assaults
                           As of press time, no group has claimed  against both government and opposition forces
                         responsibility for the attack. However, Washing-  in the country.
                         ton has said ISIS was likely the perpetrator.  Militants targeted Syria’s Banias oil refinery
                           “We are still looking into that. But it was  on the Mediterranean coast in January, with
                         almost certainly a strike by ISIS,” the US envoy  divers planting explosions on the plant’s under-
                         to Syria, James Jeffrey, told reporters.  water pipelines. In December, rockets were
                           This is the sixth time that the Arab gas pipe-  also fired against the country’s main refinery in
                         line has been hit in Syria since the country’s  Homs, causing limited damage but disrupting
                         devastating civil war began in 2011. The country  production. ™

       P14                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                         Week 34   27•August•2020
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