Page 18 - DMEA Week 34
P. 18

DMEA                                               FUELS                                               DMEA

       UNOC to import more fuel via

       Kisumu-Jinja barge route

        UGANDA           UGANDA National Oil Co. (UNOC) is seek-  saying by The Monitor. “Each fuel truck carries
                         ing to fill petroleum product storage facilities in  at least 35,000 litres, yet one [rail tanker wagon]
       Uganda National Oil   Jinja, a port on Lake Victoria, in order to facili-  carries 1mn litres. In this way. the lake is [a far
       Co. (UNOC) is seeking   tate regional fuel trade.      more] efficient mode of transport.”
       to fill petroleum product   According to Peter Muliisa, UNOC’s legal   Muliisa went on to say that his company
       storage facilities in   and corporate affairs manager, the company will  wanted to keep stock levels high so that the Jinja
       Jinja, a port on Lake   achieve this by importing at least 3mn litres per  facility, which has a capacity of 120mn litres,
       Victoria, in order to   week of gasoline and diesel. These volumes will  could serve as a gateway for other African coun-
       facilitate regional fuel   be shipped to Jinja in rail tankers by barge from  tries that import most of their fuel via Kenya.
       trade.            Kisumu, a Kenyan port on Lake Victoria, he said.  This plan gives traders in Burundi, Rwanda,
                           The Kisumu-Jinja delivery route is already  South Sudan and the eastern regions of the Dem-
                         in use, he noted. Speaking on August 19, he  ocratic Republic of Congo (DRC) the option of
                         reported that UNOC had brought 6mn litres of  picking up petroleum products in Jinja rather
                         gasoline and diesel into the country by barge the  than travelling to Kisumu or Mombasa, he said.
                         previous week. The fuel was transported by rail  It will also relieve some of the strain on Kenyan
                         from Jinja to the company’s storage depot and  infrastructure as fuel import volumes rise, he
                         added to inventories, he explained.  added.
                           UNOC sees the rail-and-barge route as a   “Our counterparts in Kenya have fantastic
                         better option than continued reliance on road  facilities, but once we also get to that level, I think
                         tanker trucks that travel overland, he added.  it is going to be a game-changer in a way. But
                         “Our intention is to ensure that the Jinja storage  first, we are committed to ensuring that the vol-
                         terminals are fully operational, and one way is to  umes by the lake increase and eventually become
                         use the lake for optimisation,” he was quoted as  significant mode of transport,” he remarked. ™

       World Bank blocks Liberian power

       provider’s bid to lease fuel tanks

        LIBERIA          THE World Bank has reportedly blocked the Libe-  Aminata. He did so because of the role the bank
                         rian government from proceeding with a plan to  has played in financing the construction of the
       World Bank says   lease spare capacity in petroleum product storage  Bushrod Island depot. (Under the terms of the
       Monrovia cannot   facilities built for Liberia Electricity Corp. (LEC).  credit deal signed for that project in 2010, LEC
       lease national power   Earlier this year, officials in Monrovia began  must seek the bank’s approval for any lease, sale,
       provider’s fuel tanks to   touting a proposal to sign a 20-year lease with  transfer or other disposal of the facility.)
       Aminata.          Aminata Petroleum, a local fuel supplier, for   Khwima Nthara, the World Bank’s country
                         LEC’s storage depot at Bushrod Island. The  manager for Liberia, responded to Buckey’s let-
                         tanks located there have a combined capacity of  ter by denying permission for the lease. He jus-
                         5.28mn gallons (24mn litres), enough to sustain  tified this decision by arguing that loss of access
                         the operation of a 38-MW thermal power plant  to the storage tanks had the potential to hinder
                         (TPP) for a period of 90 days. LEC usually uses  LEC’s operations by preventing it from securing
                         them to store extra RFO for power generation.  RFO at an optimal price.
                           Several months ago, though, Nathaniel   Additionally, he raised questions about the
                         McGill, Minister of State for Presidential Affairs,  fact that Monrovia had agreed to sign a deal with
                         outlined this plan in a letter to LEC chairman  Aminata without first soliciting offers from other
                         Gesler Murray. McGill asserted that the plan  companies. “As we work with the government
                         would allow Liberia to import more fuel and  and LEC … we would be happy to consider the
                         avoid shortages, saying: “This will improve ser-  outcome of a competitive process for leasing the
                         vice delivery and help to minimise the security  storage tank facility based on careful considera-
                         issues in the country.”              tion of the potential excess capacity as previously
                           The request appears to have found favour  proposed,” he wrote.
                         at LEC, as the power provider’s CEO, Paschal   As of press time, it was not clear whether
                         Buckey, subsequently asked the World Bank  Liberia’s government was making any attempt
                         for permission to proceed with the deal with  to pursue another lease agreement. ™

       P18                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                         Week 34   27•August•2020
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