Page 19 - DMEA Week 34
P. 19

DMEA                                        NEWS IN BRIEF                                             DMEA

       UAE gaseoline price                 away from those states. The railway projects   required for the CFP has now been put in
                                                                                place. Major structural elements, notably 2
                                           are not stalled too.
       announced for Septembe              blame because they instigate insecurity by   new fractionators and 24 atmospheric residue
                                              “The multinationals are sometimes to
                                                                                desulfurizer reactors have been installed at
       Fuel prices in the UAE were left unchanged   paying militants and turn around to blame it   the site over the past two months. Each of
       for the month of September on August 27.  on the people.                 the 317-tonne fractionators was transported
         Super 98 gasoline will cost AED1.91   “There is no excuse to operate outside our   to the UAE from South Korea. Installing the
       per litre, while Special 95 gasoline will cost   state. The federal government should compel   80-meter structures took three weeks across
       AED1.80 per litre.                  them to relocate their headquarters to the   June and July 2020. They will serve to separate
         E-plus petrol will now be AED1.72 per   state as the hub of the hydrocarbon industry,”   the component products within the crude oil
       litre, while diesel will cost AED2.06 per   he said.                     to allow for further refining.
       litre.                                 He noted that the NNPC has not done   Upon completion in mid-2022, the CFP
         UAE fuel prices were last revised in   anything substantial for the state after many   will allow ADNOC to process up to 420,000
       April, and have been unchanged since then.  years of operation, adding that the Port   barrels per day of heavier and sourer grades of
                                           Harcourt refinery has continued to operate   crude oil, as part of the 840,000 bpd refinery
                                           below installed capacity, even as the access   in Ruwais.
       Nigerian govt to build new          road has been in a poor state for years.
                                              “I urge you as minister and members of
       refinery in Rivers                  the board of directors to dualize the three   Nigeria’s Waltersmith to
                                           kilometres road and change the narrative,”
       The federal government has said it plans to   he stated.                 launch mini-refinery in
       build a third refinery in Rivers State bringing   Wike noted the patriotism Slyva had
       the total in the state to three.    demonstrated by attracting federal projects   September
         This is as the Rivers State Governor,   to his state and urged other ministers to
       Nyesom Wike, insisted that the Niger Delta   emulate him.                Waltersmith Petroman, a Nigerian
       region is safe for companies to conduct their   He said even if the minister is of the   independent producer, will open a
       businesses and demanded that international   opposition party in Bayelsa State, his sense of   5,000-barrel per day capacity modular
       oil companies (IOCs) relocate their   patriotism has made him to place the interest   refinery next month in Nigeria, which despite
       headquarters to the state.          of the state above partisan interests.  being Africa’s biggest oil producer imports
         The duo spoke Sunday when the Minister                                 almost all of its refined products.
       of State for Petroleum Resources, Chief                                    The company, Nigeria’s first producer
       Timipri Sylva, and the management of the   ADNOC reports progress at     from marginal fields, plans to increase output
       Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation                                  to 30,000 bpd in two years, Chief Executive
       (NNPC) paid a courtesy visit to Wike at the   Ruwais refining project    Officer Chikezie Nwosu said on August 26 at
       Government House, Port Harcourt.                                         a webinar.
         Sylva also said plans had reached an   The Abu Dhabi National Oil Company   Nigeria is desperately trying to revive its
       advanced stage to rehabilitate the existing   confirmed significant progress made on   refining industry that has languished for years.
       refineries in the country.          its “Crude Flexibility Project”, with 73%   It has commissioned the revamping of four
         He said the federal government decided   project delivery of ADNOC’s ongoing   state-owned refineries with a total capacity
       to start the rehabilitation programme from   upgrade of refining capabilities in Ruwais   of 445,000 bpd while Africa’s richest person,
       the two refineries in Port Harcourt because   and strengthening the role of Ruwais as a   Aliko Dangote, is also building a plant with
       Rivers State is the headquarters of the   critical driver for industrial growth for Abu   a capacity of 650,000 bpd that will help cut
       hydrocarbon industry.               Dhabi and the UAE. For more than 40 years,   Nigeria’s $7bn annual fuel-import bill.
         The minister of state for petroleum   ADNOC has predominantly refined Murban   “We expect that by September we should
       resources also commended Wike for being   grade crude, extracted from its onshore fields   be ready to test-run the refinery, now at 98%
       persistent in his quest to get the Refinery   in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi. The CFP allows   completion,” he said. “We’re going to grow its
       Road dualised and promised that the   for the Upper Zakum grade, extracted from   capacity by an additional 25,000 bpd to make
       ministry would support the move.    Abu Dhabi’s offshore oil fields, to be processed   it 30,000 bpd.”
         In his response, Wike urged multinational   along with over 50 other types of different   An earlier plan to commission the refinery,
       companies to stop using insecurity to justify   crudes.                  built by Houston-based VFuels, in May was
       their refusal to relocate their operational   In 2018, ADNOC announced plans to   hampered by the coronavirus pandemic,
       headquarters to the Niger Delta region.  diversify the feedstocks it processes. The USD   Nwosu said.
         The governor wondered why insecurity   3.5bn CFP upgrade initiative is a core driver   The crude processing plant is part of
       does not prevent the drilling of oil but could   of ADNOC Downstream’s 2030 smart growth   a bigger industrial energy park that will
       be used to deprive the state what is due to it.  strategy. The project will increase the value   serve as a manufacturing base for oil and
         “They use insecurity issues to place us in   ADNOC derives from every barrel of oil, both   gas components. The project includes
       a disadvantaged position and deny us our   by boosting refining margins and by leaving   a 30-megawatt power station, which
       right.                              more high-value Murban crude available for   Waltersmith will expand to about 300
         “There is insecurity in Lagos, Kaduna and   export.                    megawatts.
       Katsina States. Yet, companies do not run   Much of the physical infrastructure

       Week 34   27•August•2020                 www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P19
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