Page 17 - NorthAmOil Week 33
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NorthAmOil                                 NEWS IN BRIEF                                         NorthAmOil

       UPSTREAM                            revenues during the second quarter of 2020   some of our debt with attractive pricing,
                                           compared to $1.4mn during the second   giving us added flexibility to fund working
       Ensign Natural Resources            quarter of 2019. The $827,000 decrease in   capital and other general corporate purposes
                                           net revenues was primarily due to a $684,000
                                                                                as needed during this time of economic
       announces purchase of               reduction related to a $30.26 per barrel   uncertainty.”
                                           decrease in the average oil price from $54.98
                                                                                CITGO PETROLEUM CORPORATION, August 17,
       acreage and a reduction in          per barrel during the second quarter of 2019   2020
                                           to $24.72 per barrel during the second quarter
       its future midstream rates          of 2020, and a $142,000 reduction related to   SERVICES
                                           a 2,600 barrel decrease in oil sales volumes.
       Ensign Natural Resources announced today   The 2,600 barrel decrease in sales volumes
       the purchase of Eagle Ford shale (EFS)   was primarily related to lower sales on the   Patriot Environmental
       and Edwards acreage in South Texas from   Albers, BSU, Veverka D leases related to
       Newpek. The Newpek acquisition includes   natural production declines, partially offset   acquires Transwater
       approximately 5,700 net acres in Bee, DeWitt,   by sales from the Zimmerman well that was
       Karnes, and Live Oak counties and current   completed at the beginning of 2020.  Patriot Environmental, a premier installer
       net production of approximately 2,200 barrels   The company reported a net loss of   and provider of geosynthetic lining materials
       of oil equivalent per day. This acquisition   $(1.1mn) or $(0.10) per share of common   in the United States, announces that it has
       increases Ensign’s current ownership in the   stock during the first six months of 2020   acquired Transwater, of Midland, Texas.
       leases and wells it acquired from Pioneer   compared to a net loss of $(87,000) or $(0.01)   Transwater, Inc. is a leading provider of
       Natural Resources USA in 2019.      per share of common stock during the first   water monitoring solutions for the oil and gas,
         Ensign concurrently announced that   six months of 2019. The $994,000 decrease   mining, solid waste, and related industries,
       it reduced its future gathering, processing   in net income was primarily due to a $1.0mn   that improve operations and the environment.
       and transportation rates with the company’s   decrease in revenues, and a $41,000 decrease   The company pioneered the use of remotely
       primary midstream provider.         in gain on sale of assets, partially offset by a   piloted boats with sonar capabilities to
         “We have been focused on securing   $65,000 decrease in depreciation, depletion,   measure the remaining capacity of freshwater
       incremental gains and improving our margins   and amortisation costs, and a $39,000   and produced water ponds. The company
       during this unprecedented downturn in   decrease in production costs and taxes.  has developed stationary remotely monitored
       the energy market,” said Brett Pennington,   TENGASCO, August 13, 2020   sensors for monitoring water levels, water
       president and chief executive officer of Ensign.                         quality, and even H2S gas concentrations.
       “We believe these transactions will strengthen                             Cody Smithson, president of Patriot
       the asset and our relationship with key   DOWNSTREAM                     Environmental said: “We are thrilled to be
       partners in the value chain, while lowering                              able to bring the Transwater platform into
       future gathering costs and increasing free cash   CITGO reports second-  the Patriot Environmental suite of services.
       flow. The commitment and support of our                                  Coming together as a team, we can bring
       equity sponsors have allowed us to be nimble   quarter 2020 results      incredible value and scale to the industries we
       and capture value during these challenging                               work in. Randy and his team at Transwater
       times.”                             CITGO Petroleum Corporation today    have developed a game changing line of
       ENSIGN NATURAL RESOURCES, August 18,   reported a net loss of $5mn for the second   products and services that compliment what
       2020                                quarter of 2020, which includes the benefit   we do perfectly.”
                                           from the reversal of a previously recorded   Randy Smith, Transwater’s founder and
       Tengasco announces                  lower of cost or market (LCM) inventory   president added: “Transwater has a great
                                                                                group of clients who are constantly striving to
                                           adjustment discussed further below. During
       second-quarter 2020                 the same period, CITGO reported EBITDA   ensure they maintain and protect their critical
                                                                                water assets. We developed our customer base
                                           of $203mn and, excluding the impact of the
       financial results                   LCM inventory and other similar adjustments,  by listening to their industry needs and then
                                                                                creating and implementing products that
                                           adjusted EBITDA1 of $(132)mn.
       Tengasco announced today its financial   The economic effects of the COVID-19   give our customers peace of mind. We are
       results for the quarter ended June 30, 2020.   pandemic continued to drive the company’s   excited to grow our client base and continue
       The company reported a net loss of $554,000   second quarter results and impacted the   to develop innovative technologies as a part of
       or $0.05 per share of common stock during   industry as a whole. With prices increasing   Patriot Environmental.”
       the second quarter of 2020 compared to a net   during the second quarter, the company   Transwater’s primary market is oil and
       income from continuing operations of $9,000   recovered in full the previously recognized   gas, and more specifically the exploration
       or $0.00 per share of common stock during   LCM inventory charge of approximately   and production (E & P) companies. In the
       the second quarter of 2019. The $563,000   $332mn.                       past few years, water has become a valuable
       decrease in net income was primarily due to   “We knew the industry would feel the full   and expensive asset for E & P Producers.
       an $827,000 decrease in revenues, partially   impact of COVID-19 in the second quarter,”   Transwater’s TransWatch suite of products
       offset by a $223,000 decrease in production   said president and CEO Carlos Jordá, “so we   can provide real-time remote monitoring and
       costs and taxes, and a $41,000 decrease in   adjusted cash spending according to plan,   providing remote chemical analysis of those
       depreciation, depletion, and amortisation   aggressively managed expenses, and fine-  valuable fresh or produced water assets.
       costs.                              tuned our operations. Within this challenging   PATRIOT ENVIRONMENTAL, August 18, 2020
         The company recognised $563,000 in   environment, we were also able to refinance

       Week 33   20•August•2020                 www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P17
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