Page 14 - NorthAmOil Week 33
P. 14

NorthAmOil                                   PERFORMANCE                                          NorthAmOil

       CER forecasts 6.6% decline

       in Canadian production

        CANADA           THE Canada Energy Regulator (CER) has fore-  oil sands producers curtailed their output.
                         cast that the country’s oil production will average   The curtailed volumes, which are estimated
                         4.38mn barrels per day (bpd) over the whole of  to have reached 1mn bpd at times, are now in
                         2020. If this plays out, it would mark a 6.6% year-  the process of being restored, but the CER’s
                         on-year decline on 2019. The forecast comes as  figures – if accurate – illustrate the impact that
                         Canada’s oil industry attempts to recover from  the production cuts had. The regulator expects
                         2020’s industry downturn, which came when it  oil production to gradually recover during the
                         was already facing considerable headwinds.  remainder of 2020. However, it anticipates that
                           Canada’s average production in 2019 was  by December, output of both light and heavy
                         4.69mn bpd, up from 4.58mn bpd in 2018. It is  oil – including upgraded bitumen – will still fall
                         worth noting that last year’s output was artifi-  slightly short of levels seen at the start of 2020.
                         cially lowered by Alberta’s provincial curtailment   In June, the Canadian Association of Petro-
                         programme, which had been introduced in a bid  leum Producers (CAPP) estimated that the
                         to prop up regional oil prices.      country’s producers would spend CAD23.3bn
                           Prior to the collapse in crude prices this year,  ($17.8bn) this year, down from about CAD37bn
                         the country’s producers were already struggling  ($28.3bn) in the group’s January forecast.
                         with Western Canadian oil trading at a discount   Canada’s oil sands have increasingly been
                         to West Texas Intermediate (WTI) – a situation  falling out of favour owing to environmental
                         exacerbated by a looming shortage of new take-  concerns and the development costs associated
                         away capacity. This year, though, as a result of the  with major projects. However, consultancy IHS
                         crude price collapse, which was compounded by  Markit recently projected that oil sands produc-
                         the demand impact of coronavirus (COVID-19),  tion would hit nearly 3.8mn bpd in 2030, up by
                         Western Canada’s pipeline bottlenecks eased as  almost 1.1mn bpd from current levels.™

       Chaparral enters bankruptcy

       protection for second time

        OKLAHOMA         SHALE driller Chaparral Energy has joined  including Chaparral, has been severe. Therefore,
                         the ranks of US oil and gas producers filing for  after thorough analysis of our strategic options,
                         Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection. The com-  we determined that a voluntary Chapter 11 fil-
                         pany had issued a warning in May over its ability  ing with broad creditor support provides the best
                         to continue as a going concern after crude prices  course for Chaparral and its stakeholders,” stated
                         collapsed earlier this year, plunging the oil indus-  Chaparral’s CEO, Chuck Duginski. “A swift
                         try into crisis.                     restructuring will right-size our balance sheet,
                           This is its second bankruptcy filing, follow-  improve our cost structure and best position
                         ing one from which it emerged in March 2017  Chaparral for the future. Importantly, we intend
                         in the wake of the last industry downturn. This  to maintain normal operations and meet all of
                         time, Chaparral joins fellow shale drillers Chesa-  our trade commitments timely and under their
                         peake Energy and Whiting Petroleum, as well as  existing terms.”
                         conventional producer California Resources, in   According to the bankruptcy filing, Okla-
                         bankruptcy protection.               homa-focused Chaparral’s assets and liabili-
                           In an August 17 statement, Chaparral said  ties are in the range of $500mn to $1bn. It had
                         78% of its first-lien lenders and bondholders  around $421mn of debt at the end of 2019.
                         had given their support for a proposal to swap  And as of August 14, it had roughly $32mn
                         $300mn of unsecured notes into equity, raise a  of cash on hand. Combined with its normal
                         $175mn reserves-based exit facility and issue  operating cash flow, the company said it
                         $35mn worth of convertible notes.    expects this to be sufficient to allow it to main-
                           “While we have taken carefully measured  tain normal operations and meet its financial
                         and decisive action to address the challenges of  commitments during the Chapter 11 restruc-
                         2020, the overall impact to the energy industry,  turing period.™

       P14                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                         Week 33   20•August•2020
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