Page 10 - NorthAmOil Week 33
P. 10

NorthAmOil                                    COMMENTARY                                          NorthAmOil

                                                                                                  Chevron will use
                                                                                                  renewable energy
                                                                                                  to power some of
                                                                                                  its operations in the
                                                                                                  Permian Basin and

                         start-ups to reduce their carbon footprint.  recent oil price volatility – as well as expectations
                           Zap is developing what Chevron described  that crude prices will remain low for some time –
                         in a statement as a “next-generation modular  are likely to have accelerated this shift.
                         nuclear reactor with an innovative approach to   Meanwhile, the costs of wind and solar power
                         advancing cost-effective, flexible and commer-  have come down, at the same time as renewable
                         cially scalable fusion”. The process is expected to  technologies have advanced, also boosting their
                         release “substantial” amounts of energy with no  appeal in comparison – or at least as part of a
                         greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and limited  more diversified portfolio.
                         long-lived radioactive waste.          At the same time, though, Chevron’s new
                           This will be the tenth investment by Chev-  oil and gas investments make it clear that the
                         ron’s Future Energy Fund, which was launched  company will not be moving away from hydro-
                         in 2018 to explore breakthrough technologies  carbons any time soon. Given Noble’s Eastern
                         and identify companies that could play a role in  Mediterranean and African gas assets, that
                         the energy transition.               transaction is expected to shift Chevron’s portfo-
                           “Chevron Technology Ventures’ invest-  lio more towards gas. The company also contin-
                         ment in fusion is an opportunity to enhance  ues to invest in oil, with the Wall Street Journal
                         the company’s focus on a diverse portfolio of  reporting this week that it is set to sign a mem-
                         low-carbon energy resources with the capacity  orandum of understanding (MoU) with Iraq’s   Chevron’s new
                         to provide communities across the globe access  Ministry of Oil (MoO) to develop the Nassiriya
                         to affordable, reliable, and ever-cleaner energy,”  oilfield.               oil and gas
                         the super-major stated.                NewsBase understands that Nassiriya has a   investments
                           “We see fusion technology as a promising  production capacity of 90,000 barrels per day of
                         low-carbon future energy source,” added Chev-  crude from an estimated 4.36bn barrels of recov-  make it clear that
                         ron Technology Ventures’ president, Barbara  erable reserves. However, output is thought to be
                         Burger. “Our Future Energy Fund investments  around 15,000-20,000 bpd lower, and Chevron  the company will
                         provide us with strategic insight into power  is reported to be discussing further exploration
                         generation markets and potentially disruptive  work on the asset. The MoO has previously spo-  not be moving
                         impacts of innovative approaches, like fusion,  ken of intentions for the field to produce above   away from
                         geothermal, wind and solar, on the conventional  100,000 bpd and such a target will likely be
                         power value chain,” she added.       included in any agreement.          hydrocarbons any
                                                                Over the longer term, though, gas is likely to
                         Under pressure                       be favoured, given its role as a bridge fuel in the   time soon.
                         The various moves Chevron is making are hap-  energy transition, which is cleaner than coal and
                         pening as energy companies come under more  oil. Chevron’s LNG footprint is further evidence
                         pressure than ever from investors to reduce  of its long-term commitment to gas. And while
                         emissions and prioritise low-carbon energy. But  its footprint in renewables and nuclear is still
                         investor-side pressure aside, other factors are  limited, the company’s recent steps could be the
                         making diversification into low-carbon energy  first of several moves aimed at more diversifica-
                         look like an increasingly attractive option. And  tion in the face of the energy transition.™

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