Page 9 - NorthAmOil Week 33
P. 9

NorthAmOil                                   COMMENTARY                                          NorthAmOil

       Chevron’s latest moves illustrate

       diversification push

       Chevron is engaging more in renewables and nuclear power at the same time as it

       continues to pursue new oil and gas opportunities around the world

        GLOBAL           US-HEADQUARTERED super-major Chev-   Chevron will purchase electricity from the
                         ron has been making headlines thanks to a  projects through power purchase agreements
       WHAT:             wide range of new investments and initiatives  (PPAs).
       Chevron is diversifying   in recent weeks. The moves illustrate that while   Other super-majors have increasingly been
       at the same time as   the company continues to pursue new oil and gas  making forays into renewables as they inte-
       pursuing new oil and gas   opportunities, it is also engaging more in other  grate the energy transition into their long-term
       opportunities globally.  areas of the energy sector, including renewables  strategy. For example, ExxonMobil also powers
                         and nuclear power.                   some of its Permian operations with renewables,
       WHY:                On July 20, Chevron’s takeover of Noble  having agreed to buy 500 MW of wind and solar
       The company recently   Energy came as the largest acquisition to be  power from Danish-based Orsted for this pur-
       announced an investment   announced for some time by an industry that  pose over a 12-year period.
       in a nuclear fusion   had been hit hard by collapsing oil prices and the   However, compared to their European
       start-up and said it would   impact on demand of the coronavirus (COVID-  counterparts, the US-based super-majors have
       use renewables to power   19). In the weeks since, other announcements  had a limited presence in renewables to date,
       some of its operations.  have shown the variety of investments that the  using renewable projects to support their core
                         super-major is pursuing.             oil and gas businesses, which they believe will
       WHAT NEXT:                                             be in demand for years to come. And prior to
       The super-major is   Mix and match                     its partnership with Algonquin, Chevron had
       reportedly in talks to   On July 30, Chevron publicised a deal with  done little in the renewable space. Nonetheless,
       invest in an Iraqi oilfield,   Algonquin Power & Utilities to co-develop  the announcement has been welcomed by sup-
       and continues to finalise   renewable projects that would power operations  porters of green energy as an indication of a new
       its acquisition of Noble   across the super-major’s global upstream port-  level of engagement with renewables on Chev-
       Energy.           folio. Under the four-year deal, Chevron is plan-  ron’s part.
                         ning to generate up to 500 MW from renewable   And renewables is not the only industry
                         sources, which it will use to power operations in  Chevron is diversifying into as the company
                         the US’ Permian Basin, Argentina, Kazakhstan  begins to speak of the energy transition more fre-
                         and Western Australia.               quently. Last week, the super-major announced
                           The partners will jointly own and co-de-  that it was investing in nuclear fusion start-up
                         velop these projects, with Algonquin leading  Zap Energy. Chevron joins Italy’s Eni and
                         their design, development and construction.  Norway’s Equinor in backing nuclear fusion

       Week 33   20•August•2020                 www. NEWSBASE .com                                              P9
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