Page 12 - NorthAmOil Week 33
P. 12

NorthAmOil                                    COMMENTARY                                          NorthAmOil

                         that Chinese purchases of US crude in the year  Chief Executive Carrie Lam and 10 other sen-
                         to June 30 only amounted to $2.06bn. Mean-  ior officials from both the city and mainland.
                         while, S&P Global Market Intelligence unit Pan-  China has since responded with sanctions of its
                         jiva has estimated that China’s energy purchases  own on 11 US citizens, including a number of
                         from the US in the first half totalled $2.9bn.  legislators.
                           A review of the Phase 1 deal had initially been   Following Washington’s round of sanctions
                         scheduled for August 15, but was postponed  China was keen to note that it remained com-
                         owing to timetabling issues. No new date for the  mitted to fulfilling its obligations under the
                         review has been set as yet, but the delay gives  Phase 1 deal. People’s Bank of China governor
                         China more time to scale up its purchases of US  Yi Gang said on August 9 that deteriorating
                         energy.                              bilateral relations would not stand in the way of
                           However, even if this happens, and the US is  Beijing’s promises.
                         understanding about the setbacks China suf-  “No matter how the international situation
                         fered as a result of COVID-19, other causes of  changes, the most important thing is to get our
                         tension between the two countries could end up  own things done and to firmly deepen financial
                         derailing the deal.                  reform and opening-up,” the official Xinhua
                                                              newswire quoted Yi as saying on August 9. “First
                         Political tensions                   of all, we will continue to implement the Phase 1
                         The two countries’ disagreement over trade has  trade deal with the US.”
                         deteriorated over the last two years into a more   Tensions, however, only show signs of ramp-
                         generalised geopolitical tug of war. China and  ing up further, now that the US has announced
                         the US now find themselves increasingly at log-  that a major new arms deal with Taiwan has
                         gerheads over sovereignty issues such as Hong  been given the green light.
                         Kong, Taiwan and the South China Sea.  The United States Defense Department   China and the
                           The mainland government’s introduction of  announced on August 14 that the US Air Force
                         Hong Kong’s national security law on June 30  would award a contract for 90 F-16 fighter jets   US now find
                         sparked outrage in the US, with Washington  to Lockheed Martin as part of US foreign mili-  themselves
                         condemning the move as severely undermining  tary sales. Of that figure, 66 will head to Taiwan
                         the city’s autonomy as set out in the handover  under a deal first unveiled last year.  increasingly at
                         agreement China signed with the UK in 1984.   The announcement of the deal’s closing came
                         That agreement enshrined the concept of “One  hot on the heels of US Health and Human Ser-  loggerheads
                         Country, Two Systems”, which guaranteed Hong  vice Secretary Alex Azar’s visit to the island.
                         Kong certain rights and freedoms for 50 years.  Azar’s trip made waves with Beijing, as he was   over sovereignty
                           Beijing’s newly implemented national secu-  the highest-ranking US official to have visited   issues.
                         rity law introduces severe punishments for  Taiwan in the last four decades. China promptly
                         crimes of secession, subversion, terrorism and  began military exercises around the median
                         collusion with foreign forces. Critics note that  point in the Taiwan Strait, with fighter jets of its
                         the legislation effectively eliminates free speech,  own even crossing the line.
                         while also granting powers to the police without   If Sino-US tensions continue to rise, especially
                         the need for judicial oversight.     in the run-up to the US presidential elections
                           Accordingly, US President Donald Trump  this year, China may lose interest in honouring
                         signed on July 14 the Hong Kong Autonomy  all aspects of the trade deal. The commercial
                         Act that targets individuals Washington believes  and political realities of significantly ramping
                         have undermined the city’s autonomy. This has  up purchases of US crude may prove too much
                         led the US to impose sanctions on Hong Kong  for Beijing to swallow.™

       P12                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                         Week 33   20•August•2020
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