Page 8 - NorthAmOil Week 44 2020
P. 8

NorthAmOil                                          NRG                                           NorthAmOil

                         MEOG: Pipeline headlines             the rise in the US ahead of this week’s presi-
                         In the Middle East this week, headlines were  dential election, with activity rebounding from
                         grabbed by two pipeline explosions – one  lows seen earlier this year during the worst of
                         an attack, the other apparently an accident  the industry downturn. (See: Uncertainty for
                         – and border talks between quarrelling  oil and gas as US awaits election result, page 9)
                         neighbours.                          Data published by consultancy Rystad Energy
                           The Kurdistan Regional Government  this week showed that North American fracking
                         (KRG) in Erbil stated over the weekend that it  likely peaked in October at around 780 started
                         had halted oil exports following an attack on a  jobs. This is backed up by the Baker Hughes rig   The uptick in
                         pipeline carrying crude to the Turkish border  count, which shows both oil rig and horizontal
                         and onwards to the port of Ceyhan. The PKK  rig counts gradually rising since mid-August.  activity has also
                         group claimed responsibility for the attack on   Rystad noted that an election win by Dem-  been helped
                         the Kirkuk-Ceyhan pipeline, which has a theo-  ocratic candidate Joe Biden may ultimately
                         retical throughput capacity of 1.6mn barrels per  lead to a ban on fracking on federal land. While   by oil prices
                         day, but had been operating at around 500,000-  such land only accounts for a small proportion
                         600,000 bpd. Meanwhile, international firms  of fracking activity, and any policy changes  stabilising in the
                         developing assets in the Kurdistan region pro-  are unlikely to be immediate, the consultancy
                         vided updates on their projects in the semi-au-  nonetheless expects more stringent action in   third quarter of
                         tonomous region.                     response to climate change concerns from a   2020.
                           In southern Iraq, a gas pipeline exploded  Biden administration.
                         near the city of Samawa, killing three and injur-  The uptick in activity has also been helped by
                         ing more than 50. There have been no reports of  oil prices stabilising in the third quarter of 2020,
                         foul play and the local authorities assured that  but Rystad noted that many operators had also
                         supplies would not be interrupted.   fast-tracked permitting processes on federal
                           To the West, the second round of United  acreage in the Permian and Denver-Julesburg
                         Nations-observed talks between Israel and Leb-  (DJ) basins this year.
                         anon ended in tension, with the latter demand-  Biden, for his part, has sought to point
                         ing that a much larger area be considered as part  out that he would not ban fracking outright
                         of the talks. The talks were originally meant to  – except potentially on federal land. The US
                         cover an 854 square km triangle of disputed  has established itself as a leading producer and
                         territory, but Lebanese negotiators said that an  major exporter of energy, and media reported
                         additional 1,460 square km area further south,  this week that there was a broad consensus
                         that had previously been undisputed, must be  among analysts that a Biden win would not
                         included in negotiations. This area includes Isra-  change this.
                         el’s Karish gas field and Block 72, for which a bid   Meanwhile, the earnings season is underway,
                         round was launched in June.          and a series of net losses are being announced,
                                                              illustrating the challenging market oil and gas
                         If you’d like to read more about the key events   companies are currently navigating. (See: Chev-
                         shaping the Middle East’s oil and gas sector then   ron, ExxonMobil report third-quarter losses, page
                         please click here for NewsBase’s MEOG Monitor .  12) Among the companies declaring net losses
                                                              in recent days are super-majors ExxonMobil and
                         NorthAmOil: Drilling, fracking picks up  Chevron, as well as independents ConocoPhil-
                         Drilling and hydraulic fracturing has been on  lips and Diamondback Energy.™

       P8                                       www. NEWSBASE .com                      Week 44   06•November•2020
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