Page 13 - NorthAmOil Week 44 2020
P. 13

NorthAmOil                                  PERFORMANCE                                          NorthAmOil

       i3 shares rise after UK junior

       “envisages” maiden dividend

        UK-CANADA        SHARES in London-listed junior i3 rose on  discussions with a counterparty regarding a
                         November 2 after the company said it “envis-  potential farm-in to the Serenity discovery.”
                         aged” paying its maiden dividend in the first  Terms for the deal are being negotiated, and i3
                         quarter of 2021.                     said it would report to the market once an agree-
                           The dividend will amount to up to 30% of free  ment had been reached.
                         cash flow (FCF) and based on its current share   In addition, i3 said it expected to begin trad-
                         price, i3 anticipates a dividend yield of over  ing on the Toronto Stock Exchange on Novem-
                         10% on an annual basis. Its stock price rose by  ber 6, giving it dual-listed status. The move
                         8% in the early hours of trading, to GBP0.0438  comes after it completed several acquisitions in
       i3 completed several   ($0.0565).                      Canada this year. In September it bought Gain
       acquisitions in Canada   i3 also said it was in talks to farm out a stake  Energy and on October 30 it took over Toscana
       this year.        in the Serenity oil discovery in the UK’s outer  Energy.
                         Moray Firth area.                      Production from the Gain and Toscana fields
                           i3 made the “transformational” oil discovery  had averaged 9,407 barrels of oil equivalent per
                         in October last year, reporting that well results  day (boepd) in October, i3 said.
                         had lived up to pre-drill estimates of nearly   “We are delighted to announce the closing of
                         200mn barrels of oil in place (OIP). Its share  the Toscana acquisition and with it the immi-
                         price soared 60% on the announcement, but has  nent listing of i2 on the TSX,” CEO Majid Shafiq
                         shed far more value since the oil price collapse.  said in a statement. “This and the acquisition of
                           The company has been searching for a  the Gain assets in September completes the first
                         farm-in partner to take the project forward. In  phase of our Canadian business plan.”
                         February it said that unnamed suitors were eval-  i3 aims to fully integrate and optimise its
                         uating the opportunity.              operations to maximise margins and recovering
                           In its latest update, i3 said it was “in  gas prices in Canada, Shafiq said.™

       US extends handful of LNG

       export authorisations

        US               THE  government of US President Donald  Christi terminals, as well as one for Sempra
                         Trump extended the terms of several long-term  Energy’s proposed Port Arthur LNG facility.
                         LNG export authorisations until 2050 in two   With the exception of Cove Point in Mary-
                         separate moves over the past two weeks. The  land, these projects are concentrated on the Gulf
                         moves came as no surprise, following on from  Coast, in Texas and Louisiana. Exports began in
                         the US Department of Energy’s (DoE) policy  2016, starting with the Sabine Pass project, and
                         statement in July that it would allow LNG export  the US has since become one of the top three
                         authorisations to be extended.       global exporters of LNG. Additional liquefaction
                           The first set of authorisations included Ven-  capacity is under construction or proposed, and
                         ture Global LNG’s Calcasieu Pass and Plaquem-  the country’s operating export capacity is pro-
                         ines facilities, NextDecade’s Rio Grande LNG,  jected to increase by more than 50% by the end
                         Dominion Energy’s Cove Point LNG, several  of 2025, according to the DoE.
                         separate stages at Freeport LNG and the third   “DoE’s extended export term policy provides
                         stage of Cheniere Energy’s Corpus Christi LNG.  assurances to industry and the millions of energy
                         Of these, only the earlier stages of Freeport, as  jobs that it supports, that this administration val-
                         well as Cove Point LNG, are already in service,  ues US LNG as a reliable and abundant resource,”
                         while the Calcasieu Pass terminal is currently  said US Deputy Secretary Mark Menezes. “The
                         under construction. The remaining projects  continued success of US LNG exports, especially
                         have yet to reach the final investment decision  for power production in European and Asian
                         (FID) stage.                         markets, is helping our friends and allies meet
                           These approvals, announced on October 21,  their global emissions reduction goals, while
                         were followed on October 28 by extensions for  supporting US energy sector workers and infra-
                         Cheniere’s operational Sabine Pass and Corpus  structure investments across the country.”™

       Week 44   06•November•2020               www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P13
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