Page 18 - NorthAmOil Week 44 2020
P. 18

NorthAmOil                                  NEWS IN BRIEF                                         NorthAmOil

       SERVICES                            in the first nine months of 2020, or a loss   third quarter of 2020 was $23.9mn, or ($0.26)
                                           of $1.69 per share, compared to a net loss   per share, compared to net loss of $26.2mn,
       ION reports third-quarter           attributable to ION of $33.7mn, or a loss   or ($0.29) per share, for the second quarter of
                                           of $2.39 per share in the first nine months
                                                                                2020, and net loss of $1.4mn, or ($0.02) per
       2020 results                        of 2019. Year-to-date Adjusted Ebitda was   share, for the third quarter of 2019.
                                                                                  Third quarter 2020 operating results
                                           $16.5mn, a decrease from $22.7mn for the
       ION Geophysical Corporation today reported   first nine months of 2019.  include the impact of $4.7mn of pre-tax
       total net revenues of $16.2mn in the third   At quarter close, the company’s total   charges primarily reflecting the impairment
       quarter 2020, a 29% decrease compared to   liquidity of $59.4mn consisted of $51.1mn of   of certain fixed assets and other non-cash
       $22.7mn in the second quarter 2020 and a   cash (including net revolver borrowings of   charges, substantially all in the Fluids Systems
       70% decrease compared to $53.2mn one year   $22.5mn) and $8.3mn of remaining available   segment ($3.9mn after-tax). Second quarter
       ago. At September 30, 2020, backlog, which   borrowing capacity under the revolving   2020 operating results include the impact
       consists of commitments for multi-client   credit facility, slightly below total liquidity of   of $11.9mn of pre-tax charges primarily
       programmes and proprietary imaging work,   $65.5mn from one year ago. In response to   reflecting inventory write-downs, severance
       was $17.7mn or 77% higher compared to   the market uncertainty from the COVID-19   charges, and facility exit costs in the Fluids
       backlog at June 30, 2020.           pandemic and lower oil and gas prices, the   Systems segment, and a total increase to net
         Net loss attributable to ION in the third   company drew under its credit facility during   loss of $8.2mn after-tax, inclusive of a gain on
       quarter 2020 was $16.6mn, or a loss of $1.16   the first quarter 2020, of which $22.5mn   extinguishment of debt.
       per share, compared to a net loss attributable   remains outstanding and in the company’s   Paul Howes, Newpark’s president and
       to ION of $3.7mn, or a loss of $0.26 per   cash balances as of September 30, 2020. In   chief executive officer, stated, “I remain
       share in the third quarter 2019. The company   addition, the company continues to work with   extremely proud of the performance of
       reported Adjusted Ebitda of $(6.6)mn for the   its banking advisors and largest bondholder to   our entire organization, as we’ve navigated
       third quarter 2020, a decrease from $15.5mn   proactively address the $121mn bond ahead   through the combination of the oil & gas
       one year ago. A reconciliation of Adjusted   of its scheduled maturity in December 2021.  industry dislocation, as well as the prolonged
       Ebitda to the closest comparable GAAP   ION GEOPHYSICAL, November 04, 2020  COVID-related headwinds. Adding to these
       numbers can be found in the tables of this                               market headwinds, the third quarter was also
       press release.                      Newpark Resources reports            impacted by the most active hurricane year
         Year-to-date net revenues were $95.4mn, a                              in the last decade, which caused repeated
       28% decrease year-over-year compared to the   third-quarter 2020 results  work stoppages in the Gulf of Mexico. Despite
       $132.0mn of net revenues one year ago. While                             these challenging conditions, we’ve continued
       year-to-date revenues were down $36.6mn,   Newpark Resources today announced results   to execute the playbook laid out earlier this
       the net loss attributable to ION improved   for its third quarter ended September 30,   year, pulling the required levers to maintain
       by $9.6mn primarily due to the over $38mn   2020. Total revenues for the third quarter of   positive free cash flow and reduce our debt
       of structural changes and associated cost   2020 were $96.4mn compared to $101.9mn   while right-sizing our cost structure in Fluids
       reductions implemented earlier this year.  for the second quarter of 2020 and $202.8mn   Systems.
         Net loss attributable to ION was $24.1mn   for the third quarter of 2019. Net loss for the   NEWPARK RESOURCES, November 03, 2020

       P18                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                      Week 44   06•November•2020
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