Page 16 - NorthAmOil Week 44 2020
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NorthAmOil                                  NEWS IN BRIEF                                         NorthAmOil

       UPSTREAM                            period a year ago. Third quarter results were   the third quarter of 2020, compared with net
                                           negatively impacted by non-cash charges   income of $1.1bn, or $1.66 per diluted share,
       ARC Resources reports               related to the impairment of oil and gas   for the third quarter of 2019.
                                                                                  Third-quarter 2020 results include net
                                           properties. Third quarter adjusted net income
       third-quarter 2020 financial        (non-GAAP) was $52.4mn, or $0.51 per share,  pre-tax charges of $525mn as shown in the
                                                                                accompanying release tables. Adjusted net
                                           compared to third quarter 2019 adjusted net
       and operational results and         income (non-GAAP) of $96.0mn, or $0.94   loss was $649mn, or $(1.00) per diluted share,
                                                                                for the third quarter of 2020, compared with
                                           per share. Net cash provided by operating
       announces 2021 capital              activities was $259.2mn in the third quarter   adjusted net income of $1.1bn, or $1.63 per
                                                                                diluted share, for the third quarter of 2019.
                                           of 2020 compared to $320.1mn in the same
       budget of CAD375-425mn              period a year ago. Adjusted cash flow from   continued through the third quarter,” said
                                                                                  “The challenges created by COVID
                                           operations (non-GAAP) was $236.7mn in the
       ARC Resources today reported its third   third quarter of 2020 compared to $360.7mn   president and chief executive officer Michael
       quarter 2020 financial and operational results   in the third quarter a year ago1.   J. Hennigan. “Despite some recovery, global
       and announced its 2021 capital budget that   Oil production averaged 71.6 thousand   demand for our products and services
       will range from CAD375-425mn. ARC’s   barrels (mbbls) per day. Total company   remains significantly below historical levels,
       unaudited condensed interim consolidated   production volumes for the quarter averaged   which continues to pressure profitability for
       financial statements and notes and ARC’s   249.4 thousand barrels of oil equivalent   both our company and the industry.
       management’s discussion and analysis as at   (mboe) per day.               “As we navigate these challenges, we
       and for the three and nine months ended   Realised oil prices averaged $37.94 per   remain focused on the aspects of our business
       September 30, 2020, are available on ARC’s   barrel, up 94% from $19.57 in the previous   within our control. First, we strengthened
       website.                            quarter but down 28% from the $52.71 per   the competitive position of our assets by
         ARC delivered average daily production   barrel received in the third quarter of 2019.   advancing our investments in renewables.
       of 158,444 barrels of oil equivalent (boe) per   Realized natural gas prices averaged $1.14   Our Dickinson renewable fuels facility is
       day to generate funds from operations of   per thousand cubic feet (mcf), up 25%   starting up. With respect to the conversion
       CAD144.6mn (CAD0.41 per share) during   sequentially from $0.91 per Mcf and up 30%   of our Martinez refinery into a renewable
       the three months ended September 30,   from the third quarter 2019 average of $0.88   diesel facility, we filed for permits, progressed
       2020. With funds from operations generated   per Mcf. NGL prices averaged $10.89 per   feedstock supplier discussions, and began
       during the period, ARC declared dividends of   barrel, up 45% from $7.52 per barrel in the   detailed engineering activities. Second, we
       CAD21.2mn (CAD0.06 per share), invested   second quarter of 2020 and up one% from the   continued working toward a first-quarter
       CAD52.6mn in development activities, and   $10.80 barrel received in the third quarter of   2021 closing for the Speedway sale and
       strengthened its financial position by reducing   2019.                  remain committed to using the proceeds
       net debt by CAD93.3mn or 10%.       CIMAREX ENERGY, November 04, 2020    to strengthen our balance sheet and return
       ARC RESOURCES, November 05, 2020                                         capital to shareholders. And third, we took
                                                                                incremental steps to reduce our cost structure,
       Cimarex reports third-              DOWNSTREAM                           including the implementation of a workforce
                                                                                reduction plan. The difficult decision to
       quarter 2020 results                Marathon Petroleum reports           reduce our workforce was not made lightly,
                                                                                and we are committed to treating our
       Cimarex Energy today reported a third   third-quarter 2020 results       employees with integrity and respect as we
       quarter 2020 net loss of $292.7mn, or $2.94                              take these necessary steps to position the
       per share, compared to net income of   Marathon Petroleum today reported a net   company for through-cycle resiliency.”
       $123.8mn, or $1.21 per share, in the same   loss of $1.0bn, or $(1.57) per diluted share, for   MARATHON PETROLEUM, November 02, 2020

                                                                                PBF Energy announces
                                                                                East Coast refining

                                                                                reconfiguration and reports

                                                                                third-quarter 2020 results

                                                                                PBF Energy today reported a third quarter
                                                                                2020 loss from operations of $342.7mn as
                                                                                compared to income from operations of
                                                                                $151.9mn for the third quarter of 2019.
                                                                                Excluding special items, third quarter
                                                                                2020 loss from operations was $374.2mn
                                                                                as compared to income from operations
                                                                                of $165.8mn for the third quarter of 2019.
                                                                                PBF Energy’s financial results reflect the
                                                                                consolidation of PBF Logistics LP (NYSE:

       P16                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                      Week 44   06•November•2020
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