Page 14 - NorthAmOil Week 44 2020
P. 14

NorthAmOil                             PROJECTS & COMPANIES                                       NorthAmOil

       Engie backs out of proposed US LNG deal

        FRANCE-US        FRENCH utility Engie has abandoned talks   The news prompted criticism from US poli-
                         with US-based NextDecade over a proposed  ticians, including North Dakota Senator Kevin
                         LNG supply deal involving gas from the planned  Cramer, who sent a letter to French President
                         Rio Grande LNG terminal in South Texas. This  Emmanuel Macron arguing that importing US
                         comes after NewsBase reported last week that  LNG would result in lower emissions than buy-
                         Engie had delayed signing a deal with NextDec-  ing the fuel from Russia.
                         ade following pressure from the French govern-  Indeed, NextDecade has been trying to
                         ment – which has a 23.6% stake in the utility – to  position itself as a future low-emissions – or
                         seek cleaner supplies instead.       even no-emissions – provider of LNG. The
       Engie’s exit from talks   The French government banned domes-  company redesigned its Rio Grande facility
       over a supply deal   tic hydraulic fracturing in 2011 and has since  this year, and announced last month that it
       comes as a blow to   expressed misgivings over importing gas that  could reduce emissions from the project by
       NextDecade’s efforts   is produced using the technique. And such gas,  around 90% using carbon capture and storage
       to secure offtake   produced from shale formations and involving  (CCS) and proprietary processes. The com-
       agreements.       the use of fracking, is what US LNG export ter-  pany says it is continuing to work on address-
                         minals are using for feedstock.      ing the remaining 10%, with an eventual aim of
                           NextDecade, which is seeking offtake agree-  carbon neutrality.
                         ments to underpin its proposed Rio Grande   However, Engie’s exit from talks over a supply
                         LNG export terminal, was initially reported to  deal comes as a blow, given that NextDecade is
                         be continuing to pursue a deal. However, Engie  trying to secure offtake agreements for an addi-
                         confirmed to media this week that it had aban-  tional 9mn tonnes per year (tpy) of LNG in order
                         doned talks over the deal. France’s Le Monde  to reach a final investment decision (FID). This
                         newspaper attributed this to the deal being at  is in addition to the 2mn tpy deal the company
                         odds with Engie’s energy transition strategy.  already has for Rio Grande.™

       Diamondback not seeking to

       add scale through acquisition

        PERMIAN BASIN    DIAMONDBACK Energy’s CEO, Travis Stice,  beginning to see the benefits from high-grading
                         said during his company’s third-quarter earn-  our development programme after the down-
                         ings call that the firm saw no need to purchase  turn began earlier this year,” Stice said.
                         a competitor in order to boost its performance.   Diamondback reported a net loss of $1.11bn,
                         This comes as other companies focused on the  or $7.05 per share, for the third quarter of 2020.
                         same region – the prolific Permian Basin – are  On an adjusted basis, the company earned $0.62
                         consolidating.                       per share, with Refinitiv IBES data showing that
                           In late September, Devon Energy and WPX  this beat analysts’ expectations of $0.37 per share.
                         Energy have announced that they are merging  Diamondback projects that its production at the
                         into a company whose acreage position will be  end of 2020 will amount to roughly 170,000-
                         underpinned by assets in the Permian’s Delaware  175,000 barrels per day (bpd), with output likely
                         sub-basin. This was followed by Permian-fo-  staying flat in 2021.
                         cused Pioneer Natural Resources and Parsley   Stice said growth was “off the table” until oil
                         Energy striking a merger agreement in October.  prices rise significantly. In the meantime, the
                           Diamondback, however, is taking a different  company continues its efforts to lower costs.
                         approach.                              Diamondback said it expects to execute its
                           “We do not need to increase our scale to fur-  maintenance capital plan for 2021 with 25-35%
                         ther lower costs,” Stice said during the company’s  less capital than 2020, which it said implies a
                         earnings call, noting Diamondback’s well costs  reinvestment ratio of around 70% with West
                         are about 30% lower than they were in 2019. “We  Texas Intermediate (WTI) at $40 per barrel.
                         prefer not to make rash decisions at the bottom   A Morningstar analyst, Stephen Ellis, said in a
                         of the cycle,” he added.             note that Diamondback’s promise to live within
                           “Our drilling and completion operations  free cash flow (FCF) and lower debt “sends
                         continue to become more efficient, and we are  exactly the right signal to shareholders”.™

       P14                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                      Week 44   06•November•2020
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