Page 17 - NorthAmOil Week 44 2020
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NorthAmOil                                  NEWS IN BRIEF                                        NorthAmOil

                                                                                shipowner and operator. According to the
                                                                                contract signed with Knutsen OAS Shipping
                                                                                the chartering period for both vessels is 10
                                                                                years with possibility of extension. As the
                                                                                shipowner and operator the company will
                                                                                be responsible, among others, for staffing
                                                                                the vessels and taking care of their technical
                                                                                condition throughout the term of the contract.
                                                                                  Currently, the volume of contracts for
                                                                                US LNG in the PGNiG import portfolio
                                                                                amounts to approx. 9.3 bcm annually after
                                                                                regasification. About 7 bcm will come from
                                                                                contracts concluded in the FOB trading
                                                                                formula, according to which PGNiG is
                                                                                responsible for loading LNG at the supplier’s
                                                                                export facility, transport and unloading at the
                                                                                destination port. For this reason the company
                                                                                needs transportation capacity, but also gains
                                                                                flexibility in managing LNG volumes. The
                                                                                cargo may be sent to Poland or – if sold on the
                                                                                market – to another LNG import terminal in
                                                                                the world.
       PBFX), a master limited partnership of which   at increasing the competitive position of our   PGNIG GROUP, November 03, 2020
       PBF indirectly owns the general partner and   entire refining portfolio.”
       approximately 48% of the limited partner   PBF ENERGY, October 29, 2020  Sempra Energy reports
       interests as of quarter-end.
         The company reported third quarter 2020   The PGNiG Group contracted  third-quarter 2020 earnings
       net loss of $397.8mn and net loss attributable
       to PBF Energy Inc. of $417.2mn or $(3.49)   ships for transporting US    results
       per share. This compares to net income of
       $86.3mn, and net income attributable to   LNG                            Sempra Energy today reported third-quarter
       PBF Energy Inc. of $69.5mn or $0.57 per                                  2020 earnings of $351mn, or $1.21 per
       share for the third quarter 2019. Non-cash   Chartered gas carriers will be used for trading   diluted share, compared to third-quarter 2019
       special items included in the third quarter   liquefied natural gas contracted by PGNiG   earnings of $813mn, or $2.84 per diluted
       2020 results, which decreased net income by   with American suppliers. Two modern   share. On an adjusted basis, the company’s
       a net, after-tax charge of $73.2mn, or $0.62   tankers will enter service in 2023. Norwegian   third-quarter 2020 earnings were $380mn, or
       per share, consisted of a net tax expense on   Knutsen OAS Shipping selected in the tender   $1.31 per diluted share, compared to $425mn,
       remeasurement of deferred tax assets and   will be responsible for the delivery and   or $1.50 per diluted share, in the third quarter
       an impairment expense related to the PBFX   servicing of vessels.        of 2019. Sempra Energy’s earnings for the first
       write-down of certain PBFX long-lived assets,   The LNG carriers are two units with   nine months of 2020 were $3.35bn, or $11.43
       offset by a lower-of-cost-or-market (“LCM”)   capacity of 174,000 cubic metres each, which   per diluted share, compared with earnings of
       inventory adjustment, change in fair value   means the size of the cargo that each vessel   $1.61bn, or $5.74 per diluted share, in the first
       of the contingent consideration associated   will be able to transport is approximately 100   nine months of 2019. Adjusted earnings for
       with the earn-out provisions related to both   mcm after regasification. Time of putting   the first nine months of 2020 were $1.8bn, or
       the Martinez acquisition and PBFX CPI   these vessels into service will coincide with the  $6.10 per diluted share, compared to $1.46bn,
       acquisition, and a benefit related to the change   commencement of operation of the Calcasieu   or $5.23 per diluted share, in the first nine
       in our Tax Receivable Agreement liability.   Pass terminal. This is the first of two liquefied   months of 2019.
       Adjusted fully-converted net loss for the third   natural gas exporting facilities built by the   “We are excited to advance our leadership
       quarter 2020, excluding special items, was   American company Venture Global LNG,   position in the most attractive markets
       $346.6mn, or $(2.87) per share on a fully-  which PGNiG has signed one of the long-term  in North America – California, Texas,
       exchanged, fully-diluted basis, as described   contracts with.           Mexico and the LNG export market – with
       below, compared to adjusted fully-converted   The tender procedure for the charter   an unrelenting commitment to safety and
       net income of $80.1mn or $0.66 per share, for   service for the PGNiG Group was participated   operational excellence. Our investments in
       the third quarter 2019.             by several companies. The proceedings were   critical new energy infrastructure support
         Tom Nimbley, PBF Energy’s chairman   conducted by the PGNiG’s LNG trade office   economic prosperity, community wellbeing
       and CEO, said, “Today we announced   in London, part of PGNiG Supply & Trading,   and the energy transition,” said Jeffrey W.
       the reconfiguration of our Delaware   which is a competence centre for trading in   Martin, chairman and CEO of Sempra Energy.
       City and Paulsboro refineries. With this   LNG for entire PGNiG Group. Experience   “Our strategy of investing in a high-growth
       reconfiguration, we will operate the most   in the implementation of LNG transport,   infrastructure platform supports long-term,
       profitable components of our East Coast   technical parameters of the vessels offered   stable cash flows, attractive economic returns
       refining system at lower cost. This is another   and price competitiveness of the offers   and improved earnings visibility.”
       step in our broader strategic process aimed   were taken into account when selecting the   SEMPRA ENERGY, November 05, 2020

       Week 44   06•November•2020               www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P17
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