Page 9 - NorthAmOil Week 44 2020
P. 9

NorthAmOil                                   COMMENTARY                                          NorthAmOil

       Uncertainty for oil and gas

       as US awaits election result

       Democrat Joe Biden was narrowly in the lead as of November 5, but the

       outcome of the US presidential election remained uncertain

        US               TENSIONS were running high in the US this  election result. A Biden presidency is expected
                         week as results came in from the presiden-  to result in additional oversight of the industry,
       WHAT:             tial election but remained inconclusive. As of  potentially including restrictions on hydraulic
       The result of the US   November 5, Democrat Joe Biden was narrowly  fracturing on federal land.
       presidential election is   in the lead, with polling data showing that he had   While federal land only accounts for a tiny
       still being awaited as of   won between 253 and 264 of the 270 electoral  proportion of the fracking operations in the
       November 5.       college votes required to win, depending on  US, this has led to jitters among shale drillers.
                         which polling data source is used. Republican  Indeed, consultancy Rystad Energy reported
       WHY:              Donald Trump, meanwhile, was trailing with  this week that drilling and fracking activity
       Votes are still being   214 electoral college votes.   had accelerated ahead of the election, likely
       counted and the     Counting was still being completed in six  peaking in October at around 780 started
       campaign of incumbent   states, and the result in four states – Georgia,  frack jobs.
       Donald Trump has   Nevada, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania – is set to   This would have also been driven by rela-
       launched legal action to   be a deciding factor at this stage.  tively stable oil prices and activity rebounding
       contest the result.  However, even if a Biden victory is declared,  from the lowest point of the industry down-
                         as looks increasingly likely, this will not neces-  turn earlier this year. However, it is thought
       WHAT NEXT:        sarily be the end of the story. Trump’s campaign  that some drillers were accelerating their work
       As of November 5, the   launched legal challenges demanding better  programmes to fit in more work ahead of any
       implications for the oil   access to locations where ballots were being  regulatory changes that could potentially come
       and gas industry also   counted in Pennsylvania and Michigan and has  during a Biden presidency.
       were still unclear.  asked for a recount in Wisconsin. Trump has   In a separate note, Rystad commented that
                         alleged that the result is marred by fraud, though  Biden’s approach to foreign relations would
                         he has not presented any evidence to back up  also have implications for the oil industry on a
                         these claims.                        global basis. The consultancy said a Biden vic-
                                                              tory “carries supply risk as he may ease relations
                         Oil and gas uncertainty              with Iran and Venezuela, which in turn could
                         The US oil and gas industry is among those  unleash 2+ million [barrels per day] of oil to the
                         awaiting further clarity on the implications of the  market as early as 2021”.

                                                                                                  Joe Biden (right)
                                                                                                  had edged ahead of
                                                                                                  Donald Trump as of
                                                                                                  November 5 but crucial
                                                                                                  results were still being

       Week 44   06•November•2020               www. NEWSBASE .com                                              P9
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