Page 15 - DMEA Week 03 2023
P. 15

DMEA                                       NEWS IN BRIEF                                              DMEA

       including transportation and power   as bunker fuel, in the world’s third-largest   bought stakes in Matola Terminal de
       generation and in industries, such as steel,   bunkering hub located in the United Arab   Armazenamento de Petróleos SA, an oil
       cement and fertilizers.             Emirates’ city of Fujairah, rivalling energy   storage terminal operator in Mozambique,
         The project will benefit from the UAE’s   trader Vitol.                and South African trader New Age Energy,
       position as a major producer and reserves   Montfort’s purchase is valued at around   according to its website.
       holder of natural gas and leader in CCUS. The   $80 million, the sources said, and comes as   REUTERS
       CCUS process uses advanced technology to   embattled German utility Uniper is divesting
       prevent CO2 from entering the atmosphere   assets to fulfil conditions set out by the   Kenyan company to build
       after it is expended in industrial processes.   European Commission in a 34.5 billion
       ADNOC operates Al Reyadah, the region’s   euro ($37.36 billion) plan to recapitalise the   LPG storage unit near
       first industrial-scale CCUS facility, with an   company.
       800,000 tons per year of CO2 capture capacity.   Under the deal, Montfort would take   Mombasa
         TA’ZIZ continues to advance at pace with   over Uniper Energy DMCC’s facility, which
       site preparation underway and strategic   consists of two crude processing units   Kenya-based gas and petroleum company
       agreements signed for the development of a   specifically focused on provided low-sulphur,   Fossil Supplies Ltd plans to construct a new
       world-scale ethylene dichloride (EDC), chlor-  environmentally compliant bunker fuel that   liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) terminal near
       alkali, polyvinyl chloride (PVC) production   started commercial production in 2017.  the port of Mombasa at a cost of KES1.97bn
       facility with Reliance Industries and Shaheen,   That would give Montfort control of   ($16mn).
       and with Proman for a world-scale methanol   Uniper’s estimated market share of more   Fossil Supplies, which owns 94 petrol
       facility. The total investment in the first   than 40% in Fujairah, where nearly 8 million   service stations in Kenya and neighbouring
       phase of TA’ZIZ will be in excess of $5 billion   tonnes, 139,000 barrels per day, of marine fuel   Uganda through its sister company Petrocity
       (AED18 billion), with most of the chemicals   are sold annually, the sources said.  Group, distributes its LPG through its own
       produced to be created in the UAE for the first   The companies are finalising the deal, some  brand, Cylinders PETGAS.
       time. All agreements are subject to regulatory   of the sources said, although one source said   The planned Mombasa terminal would be
       approvals.                          the deal has been closed. Other companies   used for loading and storing LPG, shortages
       ADNOC                               that were also in the running were Vitol and   of which periodically hit Kenya. It will be built
                                           BB Energy, the sources said.         on 3.5 acres (1.42 hectares) leased from the
                                              Uniper and Montfort declined to   Kenya Railways Corporation, according to
       TERMINALS & SHIPPING                comment.                             The Standard.
                                              The Fujairah plant processes mainly   Currently in Kenya, the LPG market
       Montfort wins bid for Uniper        African sweet, or low-sulphur, crude oil,   is dominated by big brands such as Rubis
                                           producing about 5 million tonnes per year of
                                                                                Energy (K-Gas), Shell, and Africa Gas and
       facility at Fujairah                very low-sulphur fuel oil (VLSFO), according   Oil’s (AGOL) Proto gas.
                                           to Uniper and Refinitiv data.
                                                                                  The LPG facility will enable oil marketers’
       Montfort has emerged as the top bidder for   Montfort has a bunker supplier licence in   access to “an alternative for importation
       Uniper Energy’s oil refinery in the UAE that   Fujairah under the entity of Montfort Trading   and supply of liquefied petroleum gas at a
       produces low-sulphur fuel oil for the shipping   FZE. The company trades liquid and bulk   competitive price to the end-users,† the firm
       industry, multiple sources familiar with the   commodities and also invests in assets and   said in a regulatory filing, seeking approval for
       matter said this week.              infrastructure, according to its website.  the project.
         The deal could make Montfort one of the   Montfort has acquired oil marketing   BNE
       top two suppliers of ship fuel, also known   company Kencor Petroleum Ltd in Kenya,

       Week 03   19•January•2023                www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P15
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