Page 10 - DMEA Week 03 2023
P. 10

DMEA                                            PIPELINES                                              DMEA

       Angola and Zambia hasten joint

       infrastructure development

        AFRICA           ANGOLA and Zambia last week concluded  is projected to cost around $5bn, double the
                         bilateral negotiations on infrastructure deals that  amount that was predicted when it was first
                         appear set to bring long-awaited progress on a  unveiled 10 years ago. The project has gone
                         major cross-border pipeline.         through multiple revisions in its lifetime, and
                           Zambian President Hakainde Hichilema told  is expected to run through 1,400 km of the
                         a joint news conference in Luanda that he was  Lobito Corridor, connecting Zambia to Angola’s
                         “aware that a number of agreements have been  planned 200,000 barrels per day (bpd) Lobito
                         signed by the two countries in this regard and  refinery, scheduled for completion in 2025.
                         despite some of these being signed under the   The pipeline, also known as the Refined
                         previous government, ours is to pick up where  Petroleum Multi-Product and Natural Gas
                         they left off and ensure that these projects are  Pipeline Project (AZOP), will have a capacity of
                         implemented.”                        100,000 barrels of oil equivalent per day (boepd),
                           He described his interactions at the confer-  comprising gasoline, diesel and natural gas.
                         ence in Luanda as ‘fruitful’ and added: “We are   Zambian Ambassador to Angola Lawrence
                         actually ready to sign that contract. I still do not  Chalungumana said: “This milestone agree-
                         understand why we must import oil, at a huge  ment will bring to an end a more than 10-year-
                         cost from Saudi [Arabia], Europe, yet Angola  old complex negotiation process that shall lead
                         just next door here has oil.”        to cheaper fuel for Zambia.”
                           The two countries have previously under-  Currently, Zambia imports nearly all of its
                         lined the importance of investments in the oil  fuel from the Middle East, through the Tanza-
                         and gas sector as a means of achieving mutual  nian port of Dar-es-Salaam, which is connected
                         economic growth.                     to the local 40,000 bpd Indeni refinery by the
                           The Angola-Zambia Oil Pipeline (AZOP)  1,710-km Tazama pipeline.

       P10                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                        Week 03   19•January•2023
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