Page 8 - DMEA Week 03 2023
P. 8
Iraq to seek investors
for refining projects
MIDDLE EAST IRAQ’S Oil Minister Hayan Abdulghani introducing new units for the current refineries.”
announced on January 11 that Iraq would soon He added that the country would experience a
offer multiple investment opportunities in its “qualitative increase in the production of oil
downstream sector. derivatives.”
Abdulghani said that “a number of invest- As part of Iraq’s investment plan, new refin-
ment opportunities will soon be presented in eries are also under construction, such as the
the refining industry sector, after completing 140,000-bpd Karbala unit, which is expected
the papers and information related to the refin- to come into operation in March. Karbala will
ery bags that will be announced in a number of comprise 35 units, including four gasoline
Northern, Southern and central governorates.” production units, a thermal cracking unit, a
He added: “The ministry, within plans to poly-naphtha unit to produce octane 95 and 90
increase refining capacities, will offer investment fuels as well as 44 storage tanks. Gasoline-pro-
opportunities in the Amarah refinery in Maysan ducing units have already been completed.
Governorate with a capacity of 150,000 barrels Its slate will include LPG, gasoline, gas oil,
per day, the Muthanna refinery with a capacity of fuel oil, jet fuel and asphalt to meet international
100,000 bpd the Kirkuk refinery with a capacity standards.
of 100,000 bpd, and the Qayyarah refinery with Abdulghani said in early January that “the
an equal capacity of 100,000 bpd.” refinery’s production will cover a large percent-
Early last year, then deputy Oil Minister age of up to 75% of domestic consumption, and
Hamid Younis said the ministry was keen “to the remaining percentage of imports will be
accelerate the development of the refinery sec- covered by local production after developing a
tor in Iraq by building modern refineries and number of other refineries.”
P8 www. NEWSBASE .com Week 03 19•January•2023