Page 7 - DMEA Week 03 2023
P. 7

DMEA                                     POLICY & SECURITY                                            DMEA

       London court dismisses

       effort to block LNG finance

        AFRICA           FRIENDS of the Earth, an international envi-  company’s strong interest in climate-related
                         ronmental group, has failed to overturn a lower  issues, saying: “TotalEnergies supports the goals
                         court ruling green-lighting the UK’s plan to pro-  of the 2015 Paris Agreement, which calls for
                         vide funding for the Mozambique LNG project.  reducing greenhouse gas emissions in the con-
                           The non-governmental organisation (NGO)  text of sustainable development and the fight
                         has been seeking to prevent UK Export Finance  against poverty.”
                         (UKEF), the British government’s export credit   Meanwhile, Friends of the Earth took the
                         agency, from upholding a pledge to provide up to  opposite stance, saying that the group had not
                         $1.15bn in funding for Mozambique LNG. It has  exhausted its legal remedies and was consider-
                         premised its case on the argument that the pro-  ing filing an appeal in the UK Supreme Court.
                         ject, led by TotalEnergies (France), contravenes  In a statement, it quoted Rachel Kennerley, an
                         the Paris Agreement on climate change.  international climate activist affiliated with the
                           But on January 13, London’s Court of Appeal  group, as saying: “This extremely disappointing
                         ruled against Friends of the Earth. Judge Geof-  judgment doesn’t alter our firm belief that the
                         frey Vos wrote in his decision that UKEF’s  UK government should not be supporting the
                         determination that Mozambique LNG was  Mozambique gas project or any fossil fuel project
                         compatible with the Paris Agreement was “ten-  at home or abroad.”
                         able” and further noted that the agency was not   TotalEnergies is serving as operator of the
                         required to be certain that its decisions about  Mozambique LNG consortium through its sub-
                         funding dovetailed exactly with the govern-  sidiary Total E&P Mozambique Area 1, which
                         ment’s climate-related commitments.  holds a 26.5% stake. The remaining equity in the
                           Furthermore, Vos noted, the Paris Agree-  consortium is split between two Japanese com-
                         ment was “only one of a range of factors” that  panies, Mitsui and Japan Oil, Gas and Metals
                         UKEF took into consideration when deciding  National Corp. (JOGMEC), which have a com-
                         whether to provide financial support to Mozam-  bined stake of 20%; Mozambique’s national oil
                         bique LNG, which is likely to carry a price tag of  company (NOC) ENH, with 15%; BPCL, with
                         around $20bn.                        10%; ONGC Videsh (India), with 10%; Beas
                                                              Rovuma Energy Mozambique (a 60:40 joint
                         Responses                            venture between ONGC Videsh and Oil India
                         UKEF has welcomed the Court of Appeal’s  Ltd, or OIL), with 10%; and PTTEP (Thailand),
                         ruling. “We remain confident that UK Export  with 8.5%.
                         Finance follows robust and internationally   The French major and its partners aim to
                         recognised due diligence before providing any  extract gas from Area 1, which lies offshore
                         support for overseas projects,” an agency spokes-  Mozambique within the Rovuma basin. They
                         person said on January 13.           will process the gas at an LNG plant and onshore
                           For its part, TotalEnergies has responded  complex on the Afungi Peninsula. This facility
                         positively and talked up the anticipated benefits  will eventually have two production trains, each
                         of Mozambique LNG. A spokesperson for the  with a capacity of 6.44mn tonnes per year (tpy).
                         French major said on January 13 that the pro-  Work on the onshore facility was suspended
                         ject was expected to “deliver a range of social  in March 2021 due to the deteriorating secu-
                         and economic benefits to Mozambique and is  rity situation in Cabo Delgado, Mozambique’s
                         a key part of Mozambique’s aim to diversify its  northernmost  province.  Conditions  have
                         economy.”                            improved since that time, but TotalEnergies has
                           The spokesperson also emphasised the  yet to resume work at the site.™

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