Page 12 - DMEA Week 03 2023
P. 12

DMEA                                   TERMINALS & SHIPPING                                            DMEA

       First crude cargo arrives

       at Oman’s Ras Markaz

        MIDDLE EAST      THE Oman Tank Terminal Co. (OTTCO) has  the Strait of Hormuz.
                         received the first cargo of crude oil at its Ras Mar-  The facility is located within the Special Eco-
                         kaz Crude Oil Storage and Export Terminal near  nomic Zone at Duqm (SEZAD), which also
                         Duqm on the Sultanate’s Al-Wusta coast.  houses the 230,000 barrel per day (bpd) Duqm
                           Without disclosing the source or quantity  refinery which is being developed by OQ8, a
                         of the crude, OQ, OTTCO’s parent company,  50:50 joint venture (JV) between OQ and Kuwait
                         said last week that work remains ongoing at the  Petroleum International. The $8bn facility is
                         facility, which currently has a capacity of 5.7mn  expected to come on stream later this year fol-
                         barrels of oil, with plans to increase that level  lowing the start of test runs during Q1.
                         dramatically. Data analytics firm Kpler reported   Salem Marhoon al Hashemi, general man-
                         that a 1mn-barrel cargo had been delivered to  ager of Ras Markaz Terminal, said: “The com-
                         Duqm on January 8.                   missioning of the terminal reflects our success in
                           OQ told local news outlet Muscat Daily that  testing the efficiency of basic construction works
                         the development of the facility is part of the  at the first phase of the project. We have received
                         company’s efforts to take advantage of Oman’s  the first crude oil shipment and we will send it to
                         strategic location by finding alternatives to stor-  the Duqm Refinery, which will be completed in
                         ing crude oil outside the Strait of Hormuz and  the first quarter of 2023.”
                         then exporting it to regional and international   In late 2021, Saudi Aramco’s trading arm
                         markets.                             agreed with OQ to explore the potential for
                           In a statement to the press, Hilal bin Ali al  providing feedstock for the Duqm plant and the
                         Kharusi, OQ’s CEO of commercial and down-  petchem complex and store oil at Ras Markaz.
                         stream operations and OTTCO’s chairman, said:  “The parties will undertake a joint review of ATC
                         “Our success in receiving the first shipment of  supplying feedstock to Duqm Refinery & Petro-
                         crude oil at Ras Markaz Crude Oil Storage and  chemicals Industries Company LLC (OQ8), as
                         Export Terminal opens up wider horizons for  well as possible offtake of oil products by ATC
                         moving forward towards executing other phases  from OQ8,” said a joint press release.
                         of this strategic project, which is considered the   According to the original plan, 65% of
                         biggest of its kind in the Middle East region.”  Duqm’s feedstock will be provided by Kuwait,
                           He added that basic first phase construc-  with local production providing the balance.
                         tion works have been completed, noting that  When it comes into operation, the refinery will
                         the terminal’s commissioning would encour-  produce diesel, jet fuel, naphtha and LPG, and
                         age investors from across the world to invest  will feature units for hydrocracking, hydrotreat-
                         in other phases of the project, allowing it to  ing, delayed coking, sulphur recovery, hydrogen
                         reach its maximum potential storage capacity of  generation and Merox treating.
                         around 200mn barrels. This would see it com-  Meanwhile, it will use up to 30,000 bpd of
                         pete with the global hubs of Fujairah and Sin-  heavy crude oil to produce 1mn tonnes per year
                         gapore. Al-Kharusi said that Ras Markaz offers  of bitumen, as well as 600,000 tpy of naphtha,
                         improved security owing to its location outside  distillates and vacuum gas oil (VGO).™

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