Page 11 - LatAmOil Week 28 2021
P. 11
LatAmOil BRAZIL LatAmOil
The tie-back system is 11 km long (Image: PetroRio)
The company went on to say that the tie-backs from 18.6 kg of carbon dioxide equivalent per
would help extend the operating life of the two barrel to 13.7 kg of CO2 equivalent per barrel, a
mature sites until 2037. fall of about 26%, it stated.
“The cost reduction of the new cluster will The Brazilian independent has a 100% work-
allow more oil to be recovered for a longer ing interest in Polvo and an 80% working inter-
period, increasing considerably the recovery est in TBMT. It is entitled to a 95% share of the
factor of the fields,” it said. first 30mn cumulative barrels of oil extracted
Additionally, PetroRio pointed out that from the two fields and a 96% share of all pro-
the project would rein in the greenhouse gas duction after that milestone is reached. The
(GHG) emissions generated by work at TBMT company has agreed to cover 100% of capital
and Bravo. The synergies created by the tie-back expenditures, operational expenses and field
system will bring the cluster’s emissions down abandonment costs.
Enauta takes two wells offline at Atlanta
BRAZILIAN independent Enauta Partici-
pações has taken two development wells offline
at the Atlanta oilfield, leaving only one well in
Enauta announced the shutdown last week,
explaining in a statement that the field’s second
and third wells had been experiencing techni-
cal problems. “Two wells stopped production
[within] the last few days ... [The] company diag-
nosed a failure in the pumping system of those
two wells,” it explained.
It went on to say that both of the wells were
anticipated to resume production in the near
future. One of them is slated to come back on
stream in the second half of July, and the other The Atlanta field lies within Block BS-4 (Image: Enauta)
will follow suit in August, bringing the number
of operational development wells at the field wells are connected to the Petrojarl FPSO, which
back up to three, it stated. Enauta has been using to extract crude oil from
The schedule for restarting the wells was Atlanta. Together, the wells and the vessel serve
drawn up in accordance with public health as an early production system (EPS). The com-
measures that restrict boarding schedules for pany has said it wants to raise yields from the
offshore vessels such as the platforms and float- EPS to 22,500 barrels per day but was only pro-
ing production, storage and off-loading (FPSO) ducing about 18,000 bpd before it had to shut the
unit that has been installed at the Atlanta field, second and third wells down.
the company added. Enauta expects output levels at Atlanta to
All three of the development average 14,000 bpd this year.
Week 28 15•July•2021 www. NEWSBASE .com P11