Page 15 - LatAmOil Week 28 2021
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LatAmOil                                    NEWS IN BRIEF                                          LatAmOil

       Previously announced new 3-D seismic of 100  this term for an additional 350 days, divided into  portfolio. Gneiss delivers a world-class team of
       square km over Canada Grande now expected  periods of 70 days each.      global investment banking and industry experts
       to be acquired at end of rainy season at or around   The rig, built in 2010, is a semi-submersible  who have the expertise and skillset to support
       March 2022.                         drilling platform with dynamic positioning, able  our exciting expansion plans within our existing
         Paraguay farm-out awaiting regulatory  to operate at 2,400 metres of water depth and  and targeted assets. Together, we look to grow
       approvals, currently expected before the end  drill wells up to 7,500 metres.  Petro-Victory into the preeminent acquisition
       of the current quarter, and in the meantime,   PetroRio, July 13 2021    and development firm with a laser focus on
       negotiations regarding long lead items and the                           onshore Brazil.”
       drilling rig are in progress with various site visits                    Gneiss Energy, July 12 2021
       having taken place.                 FINANCE
         Peter Levine, Chairman, commented: “Given
       the circumstances, the actions of President’s   Gneiss Energy named as   PERFORMANCE
       engineering team in relation to the new oil treat-
       ment plan has been commendable in the face of   exclusive financial advisor  Trinity Exploration
       the difficulties encountered. The facilities once
       in full operation, expected by the end of this   to Petro-Victory        announces Q2-2021
       month, means that we own and control the deliv-
       ery of our oil in Rio Negro with the concomitant  Gneiss Energy, a global strategic and corpo-  operational update
       cost savings                        rate finance advisory firm operating within the
         “Salta operational planning presses ahead  energy and natural resources sectors, is delighted  Trinity Exploration & Production, the inde-
       to ensure the new wells will be drilled on time.  to be named as exclusive corporate finance advi-  pendent E&P company focused on Trinidad and
       Further details on the wells and expectations  sor to Petro-Victory Energy, a full-cycle energy  Tobago, has provided an update on its operations
       will be announced in due course. Paraguay also  company focused on a portfolio of operated  for the three-month period ended 30 June 2021.
       progresses in line with expectations and prior  onshore exploration, development and produc-  Q2-2021 Summary: The Trinity operating
       announcements                       tion opportunities in Brazil. The engagement  model of a low cost break-even and a technical-
         “These operations, the carrying on the core  will see Gneiss Energy support Petro-Victory  ly-led operating capability has resulted in contin-
       production businesses in Argentina and Amer-  with strategic corporate finance advice in rela-  ued strong production levels and operating cash
       ica together with the significant progress on  tion to capital raising, corporate and asset trans-  generation, both of which underpin the Group’s
       Atome demonstrate the potential of our Group  actions, and other strategic growth initiatives.  strategic push to meaningfully scale the business.
       whose current entire market capitalisation is less   Jon Fitzpatrick, Gneiss Energy Managing   Significantly, despite the COVID-related
       than GBP50mn.”                      Director, commented: “The Gneiss team is very  state of emergency in Trinidad, production lev-
       President Energy, July 13 2021      excited about its strategic partnership with Pet-  els remained resilient during Q2-2021 with pro-
                                           ro-Victory. Our firm regards onshore Brazil oil  duction volumes averaging 3,047 bpd (Q1-2021:
                                           and gas as one of the most exciting geographic  3,107), yielding a H1-2021 average of 3,032 bpd.
       SERVICES                            energy growth plays in the world. Brazil pro-  The Group’s unaudited cash balances remained
                                           vides unparalleled dual catalysts for growth with  robust at $19.0mn as at June 30, 2021 ($20.2mn
       PetroRio contracts rig for          Petrobras divestures and ANP Permanent Auc-  audited as at December 31, 2020), as a result of
                                           tion rounds, that present significant production,  strong operating cash generation ($5.1mn).
       Frade and Wahoo drilling            development and exploration opportunities for   The Company remains on track to meet its
                                           well-structured and capitalized companies. The  operating break-even target of below $30/bbl
       PetroRio has signed with Ocyan Drilling a con-  Petro-Victory team has strategically positioned  for 2021. Average pre-hedge income operating
       tract to hire the NORBE VI drilling rig for the  the Company at the forefront of this onshore  break-even (revenues less royalties, opex and
       Frade Field Revitalization Campaign and the  opportunity and we look forward to supporting  G&A) for H1 2021 was $27.8/bbl (unaudited)
       Wahoo Field development.            Richard and the entire Petro-Victory team to  (H1 2020: $24.7/bbl (unaudited)). The increase
         The contract will begin in March 2022 and  deliver their plan in Brazil.”  in H1 2021 in part reflects additional costs asso-
       will enable the drilling of three wells in the Frade   Richard Gonzalez, Petro-Victory CEO com-  ciated with the Covid pandemic.
       Field (one producer and two injectors) followed  mented: “I’m delighted to have secured Gneiss   Outlook: The Company remains well placed
       by the drilling of 4 producer wells in the Wahoo  Energy as our exclusive corporate finance advi-  to pursue multiple growth opportunities organ-
       Field. The contract’s initial period will be of 500  sor as we enter the next stage of accelerating the  ically and inorganically across the energy spec-
       days and PetroRio will have an option to extend  growth of Petro-Victory’s onshore Brazilian  trum due to its unique position in Trinidad, its
                                                                                well-established asset base and operating phi-
                                                                                losophy and the high quality partnerships that it
                                                                                has developed. Partnerships will continue to play
                                                                                an important part in enhancing our capabilities,
                                                                                reducing risk and increasing our ability to win
                                                                                  Internally the exciting opportunities across
                                                                                both an expanded Onshore acreage and the
                                                                                Galeota Licence area (particularly the Echo
                                                                                development) continue to be advanced, with
                                                                                further developments on both fronts expected
                                                                                to be announced during H2-2021.

       Week 28   15•July•2021                   www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P15
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