Page 14 - LatAmOil Week 28 2021
P. 14

LatAmOil                                     NEWS IN BRIEF                                          LatAmOil


       Challenger Energy issues

       update on Saffron project

       Challenger Energy, the Caribbean and Atlan-
       tic margin focused oil and gas company, with
       production, appraisal, development and explo-
       ration assets across the region, has provided an
       update in relation to the logging of the Saffron-2
       appraisal well as part of the broader Saffron pro-
       ject in the South-West Peninsula of Trinidad,
       and the entry into an associated term sheet for a
       potential Convertible Loan Note funding of up
       to $17.5mn, to fund the future development of
       the Saffron project.
         Eytan Uliel, CEO, commented: “I am pleased
       to advise that logging of Saffron-2, the first well
       drilled by Challenger Energy onshore Trinidad,
       has been completed, with oil-bearing sands
       identified in all reservoir sections of interest,  metres) of net oil-bearing reservoir sands (net   Thereafter, the current anticipated full-field
       consistent with pre-drill estimates and those  pay), as follows: Upper Cruse – 131 feet (39.93  development for the Saffron project could ulti-
       indicated from the Saffron-1 discovery well.  metres) of reservoir sand and 27 feet (8.23  mately comprise up to 30 wells in total, with a
       We now head toward production testing later  metres) of net pay (20% NTG); Middle Cruse –  projected peak production of approximately
       this month, and once Saffron-2 is online and a  1,066 feet (324.9 metres) of reservoir sand and  4,000 bpd, potential generating annualised net
       degree of production history is established, we  217 feet (66.14 metres) of net pay (20% NTG);  operating cashflows of up to $25mn. Following
       can then work with the authorities in Trinidad to  Lower Cruse – 223 feet (67.97 metres) of reser-  a successful first phase of development of the
       plan how best to execute a broader development  voir sand and minimum 63 feet (19.2 metres) net  Saffron project, the Company expects that it will
       of the Saffron field.               pay (28% NTG), with a potential further 70 feet  be able to fund the balance of the overall field
         “In terms of funding, known production  (21.3 metres) net pay (60% NTG) indicated.  development from ongoing cash flow generated
       capacity translates to de-risked cash flow   Following logging the drill rig was released  from Saffron field production.
       potential that can sustain less dilutive sources  off hire and is demobilising from site. All other   Challenger Energy, July 14 2021
       of capital. In this regard, we are pleased to have  service providers have departed and all SOBM
       taken the first tangible steps, by entering into a  (synthetic oil-based mud) has been safely   President Energy provides
       term sheet with a leading provider of debt and  removed from site and returned to the vendor.
       hybrid-debt capital to energy companies. We   Operations are now focused on the installa-  operational update
       are working to conclude a funding on mutually  tion of equipment to ready the well for produc-
       acceptable terms, with a view to having capital  tion testing. The Challenger #1 workover rig is  AIM-listed President Energy, the energy com-
       available once we have production data from  mobilising to site in order to run perforating  pany with a diverse portfolio of hydrocarbon
       the Saffron-2 well and have been able to assess  guns to penetrate each of the potential oil-bear-  production and exploration assets focused pri-
       development options and schedule for a broader  ing horizons and install the completion string.  marily in South America as well as Atome, a new
       Saffron development. I look forward to updating  Requisite surface equipment (pipes, valves,  green hydrogen and ammonia company, has
       shareholders of our progress.”      tanks) has been purchased and is simultaneously  provided an operational update in relation to its
         The Saffron-2 well has been successfully  mobilising to site to be ready for hook-up as soon  oil and gas activities in Argentina and Paraguay.
       drilled to a depth of 4,567 feet (1,392 metres)  as the completion operations have concluded.  Highlights: New oil treatment plant at the
       and logged with a full formation evaluation   Production testing is expected to commence  Puesto Flores field, Rio Negro, Argentina is par-
       suite. All well sections have now been cased and  on or around July 23, 2021.  tially in service with full operational capacity
       cemented ready for a production completion to   Development of Saffron: Subject to successful  expected by the end of July, slightly later than
       be installed, subsequent production testing, and  production testing of Saffron-2, and subject to  originally forecast due to COVID-related delays.
       longer-term future production.      approval of a requisite development plan by the   At Puesto Guardian, Salta Province, Argen-
         The well, in the South-West Peninsula of  authorities in Trinidad, the Company will seek to  tina, the first of the three new firm oil wells is
       Trinidad is a twin of the Saffron-1 well, and  develop the Saffron field in a phased approach.  currently expected to be spudded on time in the
       encountered similar Upper, Middle and Lower  The initial phase will involve drilling between  first half of October with the second and third
       Cruse reservoirs to Saffron-1. The expectation  five to nine production wells at an estimated  wells to be drilled back to back through Q4-2021.
       (based upon the Saffron-1 discovery well) is of  capital cost of $12-20mn, the pace of which will   Ordering of long lead items and contracting
       production rates in the range of 200-300 bpd.  largely depend on permitting and rig availabil-  of rig for Salta in advanced progress in readiness
       Challenger Energy has a 100% operating inter-  ity. This initial program of activity is projected  for the spud date of the first well. Reprocessing
       est in the well and the broader Saffron project.  to achieve an average daily production of 1,000-  of 202 square km 3-D seismic at the Pozo Escon-
         Initial results of the log interpretation have  1,500 bpd which, based on a $60 per barrel oil  dido field, Puesto Guardian Concession, Salta to
       identified over 1,400 feet (427 metres) of gross  price, could generate annualised net operating  take place in Q3-2021 with a view to generating
       reservoir sands, with in excess of 300 feet (91  cashflows of up to $12mn going forward.  new drilling opportunities for Q1-2022.

       P14                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                           Week 28   15•July•2021
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