Page 13 - LatAmOil Week 06 2022
P. 13

LatAmOil                                    NEWS IN BRIEF                                          LatAmOil

                                              The average production of the cluster in 2021
       INVESTMENT                          was 1,620 bpd of oil and condensate and 550,000
                                           cubic metres per day of gas generating 810 bpd of
       Petrobras receives rating           NGLs (natural gas liquids).
                                              Besides the fields and their production facil-
       confirmation from Fitch             ities, also included in the transaction is the Nat-
                                           ural Gas Processing Unit (UPGN) of Alagoas,
       Petrobras informs that the ratings agency Fitch  whose processing capacity is 2 mcm per day,
       reaffirmed its rating at BB-, with negative out-  responsible for processing 100% of the cluster’s
       look, following the Brazil’s rating. The stand-  gas and for the generation of NGL.
       alone rating was also reaffirmed at bbb, four   About Origem Energia (formerly Petro+):
       notches above the country.          Origem is a Brazilian energy integration com-
         The agency considers Petrobras’ ratings to be  pany present in activities of exploration, produc-  exploration successes.
       linked to those of the sovereign given the Com-  tion and commercialisation of oil and natural   Six individual MC2D data packages are avail-
       pany’s strategic importance to the country and  gas from onshore fields and in thermoelectric  able targeting areas relevant for the ongoing
       government control. Fitch considers that the  power generation projects. Currently, Origem  Trinidad & Tobago round.
       stand-alone rating reflects the Company’s strong  operates nine concessions in the Espírito Santo,   Deepwater Atlantic Area | MCS DWECMA
       capital structure, production growth trend and  Potiguar, Recôncavo and Tucano Sul Basins. The  2D GeoStreamer | 1,966 km of long-offset
       declining debt levels.              investment fund PSS Energy Fund, managed by  broadband 2D.
         Fitch also pointed out that it expects the  Prisma Capital Ltda. is the controlling share-  Patao High | MCS NCMA 4-5 2D | 2,352 km
       Company to continue to post positive free cash  holder of Origem.        of high-resolution 2D seismic.
       flows while continuing to invest to replenish its   Petrobras, February 4 2022  Western Tobago Sub-Basin | MCS Tobago
       reserves.                                                                Trough 2D GeoStreamer | 2,448 km of long-off-
       Petrobras, February 8 2022          Petrobras strikes deal               set broadband 2D.
                                                                                  Trinidad Regional Line | CaribeSPAN
       Petrobras concludes sale   on UFN III sale process                       | Approximately 5,700 km of high-quality,
                                                                                long-offset, PSDM seismic data. Supplemented
       of E&P assets in Alagoas            Petrobras, following up on the release disclosed  by 5,200 km of deeply imaged reprocessing on a
                                           on February 21, 2020, informs that it has reached  tight 4-km grid.
       Petrobras, following up on the releases disclosed  an agreement for the draft of the Sale and Pur-  Darien Ridge | Trinidad Ultra Deep 4,900 km
       on June 30, 2021, and July 5, 2021, informs that  chase Agreement for the sale of 100% of its  of reprocessed, vintage data located over the east
       today it concluded the sale of its entire stake in  Nitrogen Fertiliser Unit III (UFN-III), located  of Trinidad.
       seven concessions denominated Alagoas Clus-  in the city of Três Lagoas, Mato Grosso do Sul,   To set up a data room for Trinidad explora-
       ter, located in the state of Alagoas, to the com-  with the Russian group Acron.  tion, or to access more details on the PGS and
       pany Origem Energia (formerly Petro+).  Petrobras clarifies that the signing of the sales  ION 2D exploration collaboration in this region,
         The operation was concluded with the pay-  contract still depends on Petrobras governance  contact PGS today, or talk to your PGS account
       ment of $240mn to Petrobras. The amount  procedures, after governmental approvals.  manager.
       received at closing is in addition to the $60mn   Petrobras reinforces its commitment to the   PGS, February 4 2022
       paid to Petrobras when the sale contract was  broad transparency of its divestment projects
       signed, totaling $300mn.            and the management of its portfolio and informs
         This disclosure is in accordance with Petro-  that the subsequent stages of the project will be  PERFORMANCE
       bras’ internal rules and with the provisions of the  disclosed in accordance with the company’s
       special procedure for the assignment of rights of  Divestment System.    PetroTal announces
       exploration, development and production of oil,   Petrobras, February 4 2022
       natural gas and other fluid hydrocarbons, pro-                           10-day production record
       vided for in Decree 9,355/2018.     PGS, ION offer joint data
         This operation is aligned with the portfolio                           at Bretaña oilfield in Peru
       management strategy and the improved alloca-  package for 2021 Trinidad
       tion of the company’s capital, aiming to maxim-                          PetroTal has announced the Company’s Bretaña
       ise value and greater return to society. Petrobras   Deepwater Open Bid Round  field development well BN-10H, which com-
       is increasingly concentrating its resources on                           menced production on January 30, 2022, has set
       deep and ultradeepwater assets, where it has  The Trinidad and Tobago Ministry of Energy  a new internal daily production record with an
       shown great competitive edge over the years,  and Energy Industries announced a June 2, 2022,  average stand-alone 10-day production level of
       producing better quality oil and with lower  submission deadline for offers in the Trinidad  10,050 bpd.
       greenhouse gas emissions.           Deepwater Open Bid Round. Six datasets cover   Well 10H has produced an average of 10,050
         About the Alagoas Cluster: The Alagoas  the areas and evolving plays.  bpd over the last ten days ending February 9,
       Cluster comprises seven production conces-  The integration of PGS and ION seis-  2022, with the latest reported rate at 10,122 bpd.
       sions, six onshore (Anambé, Arapaçu, Cidade  mic datasets in Trinidad and Tobago permits  The well’s final cost was $11.5mn, 17% under
       de São Miguel dos Campos, Furado, Pilar, and  regional correlation of key data points across  budget, and came onstream on schedule and has
       São Miguel dos Campos) and the Paru field con-  the area. The complex geology of the region is  already paid out over 45% of its total well cost at
       cession located in shallow waters, with a water  becoming increasingly important to understand  $90/bbl Brent. 10H represents the longest hori-
       depth of 24 metres.                 as petroleum play types evolve with continued  zontal well drilled to date in Peru.

       Week 06   10•February•2022               www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P13
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