Page 16 - LatAmOil Week 06 2022
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NewsBase Roundup Global (NRG)
NRG Welcome to NewsBase’s Roundup Global 3. Full-year adjusted earnings amounted to
(NRG), in which the reader is invited to join $19.29bn, Shell said, up from $4.85bn in the pre-
our team of international editors, who provide a vious year, and surpassed a forecast of $17.8bn
snapshot of some of the key issues affecting their based on a Refinitiv analyst poll.
regional beats. We hope you will like NRG’s new
concise format, but by clicking on the headline FSU OGM: Russia expands China ties with
link for each section the full text will be available new gas deal
as before. Russia and China have clinched a new gas sup-
ply deal, as Moscow doubles down on its pivot
AfrOil: NAMCOR confirms oil find at towards Beijing against a backdrop of height-
Graff-1 ened tensions with the West over Ukraine. Rus-
Namibia’s national oil company has issued a sia’s national gas company Gazprom announced
statement confirming the discovery of light on February 4 that it had agreed on the annual
crude oil in Graff-1, an exploration well drilled at sale of 10bn cubic metres per year of natural gas
the deepwater PEL 39 block offshore Namibia. In to China’s CNPC over a 30-year period.
its statement, National Petroleum Corp. of
Namibia (NAMCOR) reported that the well had GLNG: Cedar LNG awards FEED contract
“proved a working petroleum system for light oil Canada’s Cedar LNG announced this week that
in the Orange basin.” it had awarded a front-end engineering and
design contract to Black & Veatch and Samsung
AsianOil: Shell outlines QGC drilling plans Heavy Industries for its proposed floating LNG
Shell has unveiled plans for the next phase of project. Pembina Pipeline and the Haisla Nation
onshore natural gas development in Queens- are partners in Cedar LNG. Pembina acquired a
land, Australia, alongside its partners in the 50% interest in the project last year.
QGC joint venture. In a February 8 statement,
the multinational said that QGC would drill and MEOG: Aramco on sale again
connect around 145 wells in the Western Downs State-owned Aramco is reported to be holding
region of Queensland between now and 2024. early talks about the potential listing of more of
the company’s shares, in a move seen as raising
DMEA: Refined focus for Ghana and significantly more than the firm’s 2019 initial
Uganda public offering. Meanwhile, Abu Dhabi National
The Ghanaian government is seeking strategic Oil Co. (ADNOC) last week announced the dis-
partners willing to provide the capital required covery of a significant gas deposit in the Offshore
to rehabilitate its dilapidated state-owned Tema Block 2 concession, which is operated by Italian
Oil Refinery (TOR). Meanwhile, Uganda’s firm Eni following its award in the second com-
energy minister held talks this week with the petitive bid round.
consortium developing the country’s first oil
refinery, days after a final investment decision NorthAmOil: Crescent Point reportedly
was taken on the project to develop the larger of seeks to sell assets
the oilfields that will provide its feedstock. Canadian light oil producer Crescent Point
Energy is reportedly seeking to sell some of its
EurOil: Shell profits soar on high oil and assets in Alberta and Saskatchewan. According
gas prices to Reuters, which cited an industry source, as
Shell reported a sharp upswing in profits in well as marketing documents it had seen this
2021 on the back of soaring commodity prices, week, the assets could fetch around CAD500mn
according to results published on February ($394mn).
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P16 www. NEWSBASE .com Week 06 10•February•2022