Page 15 - LatAmOil Week 06 2022
P. 15

LatAmOil                                    NEWS IN BRIEF                                          LatAmOil

       Melbana Energy reports
       on drilling at Alameda-1

       Melbana Energy has provided an update on
       drilling operations at its Alameda-1 exploration
       well in the Block 9 contract area onshore Cuba.
         Overnight drilling reached a depth of approx-
       imately 3,590 metres MD (3,420 metres TVD),
       at which point a lithology change was detected,
       potentially signifying the bottom of the reser-
       voir. As a result, the decision has been made to
       call total depth for the current 8.5-inch section
       (N structure) to preserve the oil already found
       in this section.
         The interval just drilled commenced at
       approximately 3,077 metres MD (2,970 metres
       TVD), indicating a potential gross reservoir
       interval of possibly as much as 500 metres MD
       (450 metres TVD). The gas behaviour in this
       interval was better than anticipated and there
       have been significant oil shows present through-
       out on the shale shakers and in cuttings samples.  north of Campos Basin. The contracts follow the  flowing the first commercial oil from a new well
       Drilling of this section commenced with a mud  same parameters of the letters of intent signed  in the Concession for the first time in the last 12
       weight of 1.54 sg and had to increase up to 1.73  in November 2021. The unit is expected to start  years.
       sg to maintain well control.        production in the fourth quarter of 2024.  It is early days and the Company is in the
         Preparations are now underway to log the   The unit will have the capacity to process  process of testing to assess optimum steady
       section just drilled, which should give a better  100,000 bpd of oil and 5mcm per day of gas. The  state levels and performance. The positive news
       understanding of the hydrocarbons that have  chartering and service contracts will last 22 years  is that the well is successfully cleaning up and
       been encountered.                   and 6 months from the unit’s final acceptance.  producing 90% oil with little water. Further
         Following the completion of logging of this   The project foresees the interconnection of  announcements will be made after the well has
       section the 7-inch liner will be set before drilling  17 wells to the FPSO, nine of them oil producers  been stabilised.
       ahead into the deeper zone with a 6-inch hole  and eight water injectors.  Well DP-2003: The second well in the pro-
       to test the Alameda structure - the second and   About the Parque das Baleias Integrated  gramme is being tested with results expected to
       largest primary target for this exploration well.  Project: The Parque das Baleias area is formed  be able to be announced by the end of this week.
         Melbana Energy’s Executive Chairman  by the Jubarte, Baleia Anã, Cachalote, Caxaréu,   Secondary recovery project Puesto Flores
       Andrew Purcell commented: “This well is  Pirambú and Mangangá fields. The first field,  Concession, Rio Negro: One of the important
       not affording much chance for rest for our  Jubarte, was discovered in 2001. In 2019, Petro-  objectives in Rio Negro is to mitigate natural
       hard-working team here on the ground in Cuba,  bras and the National Agency of Petroleum,  production declines in mature fields as well as
       but no one is complaining, given what this well  Natural Gas and Biofuels (ANP) entered into an  sweeping as much oil as possible to enhance total
       continues to tell us. We’re all looking forward to  agreement to extend the concession term until  recovery factors in a profitable way.
       the results of the forthcoming logging program  2056 for the new unified Jubarte field, which   The Company has previously announced
       to learn more about this extensive oil interval  makes it possible to implement the new produc-  a successful pilot waterflood programme in a
       we’ve intersected.”                 tion system of the Parque das Baleias Integrated  small part of the field. President has now received
       Melbana Energy, February 7 2022     Project, in addition to complementary projects  a detailed plan from independent experts which
                                           in the area. Currently, four platforms are in oper-  is optimistic that a successful secondary recov-
       Petrobras signs contracts           ation: P-57, P-58, Cidade de Anchieta FPSO, and  ery campaign to fulfil those key objectives can be
                                           Capixaba FPSO, the latter operating only until  achieved. This comprises of both utilising exist-
       on FPSO for Parque das              2022.                                ing wells and drilling new injector wells.
                                                                                  This is not an overnight process nor will there
                                           Petrobras, February 7 2022
       Baleias Integrated Project                                               be instantaneous results as with all waterflood-
                                                                                ing. The Company will now proceed to obtain
       Petrobras, following up on the release disclosed   President Energy provides   all necessary consents and make preparations to
       on November 12, 2021, informs that today it   operations update          roll out the project on a step by step basis in the
       signed the contracts with the companies Yin-                             Puesto Flores field. The field work and injection
       son Bergenia Production and Yinson Bergenia  AIM-listed President Energy has provided an  subject to consents is projected to start mid this
       Serviços de Operação LTDA, both from Yinson  update on its operations in Argentina.  year with results of the first section of injections
       Production PTE Group, for the chartering and   Salta operations update, Well DP-2001:  likely to be seen in twelve months. It is necessary
       provision of services of the Maria Quitéria FPSO  The first of the wells drilled in the current  to review progress and pressure response at each
       for the Parque das Baleias Integrated Project, to  programme at the Dos Puntitas field, Puesto  stage.
       be installed in the Jubarte Field, located in the  Guardian Concession is now in production and   President Energy, February 7 2022

       Week 06   10•February•2022               www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P15
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