Page 16 - DMEA Week 36 2021
P. 16

DMEA                                         NEWS IN BRIEF                                             DMEA

         The technology is of 2nd generation   FUELS                            Euro 5 standards in Iran will depend on
       bio-refining, where FAME Biodiesel can                                   decisions in the Oil Ministry which controls a
       be produced based on Waste and Residues,   Iran to introduce Euro 5      majority of state refiners in the country.
       rather than Vegetable oils only.                                         PRESS TV
         Biodiesel produced by BioD is based on   emission standard
       the “waste to energy” concept, where the
       feedstock (raw materials) used are 100%   The Iranian government is to announce a new   PETROCHEMICALS
       non-human consumption residues, such as   set of emission standards for gasoline usage in
       UCO (Used Cooking Oil), Animal Tallow   vehicles as it seeks to reduce pollution in large   Petchem catalysts worth
       (slaughterhouse waste products), POME   cities.
       (Palm Oil Mill Effluent Waste) and Acid Oils,   Head of the Institute of Standards &   $123m domestically
       such as Grease Tap collection. To reduce the   Industrial Research of Iran said on Wednesday
       carbon footprint in logistics, the aim is to   that the government body will introduce   produced
       source the raw materials as close to the plant   Euro 5 standard to control emissions of light
       as possible.                        passenger and commercial vehicles.   Out of 85 types of catalysts used in the
         The operation meets stringent quality   Gholamreza Shariati said the new   country’s petrochemical industry, 22
       standards to ensure that the final product,   standards had been compiled and the   types with a value of $123 million are now
       biodiesel, meets the global carbon reduction   government will soon announce them as   domestically produced, according to a
       requirements. BioD Technologies is ISCC   part of a new directive issued to various   director in Iran’s National Petrochemical
       (International Sustainability and Carbon   departments.                  Company (NPC).
       Certification) Certified, audited by SGS, to   Under on the new standards, refineries   While elaborating on the current status
       meet RED (Renewable Energy Directive) of   in Iran will have to supply higher-quality   of Iran’s petrochemical industry, Shahram
       the European Union.                 gasoline to motorists in large cities while   Rezaei, the NPC investment director, said that
         Mr. Vig explains the industrial logic behind  vehicle manufacturers are supposed to   35 million tons of final products are annually
       these investments: “BioD is at the helm of   redesign the fuel system in their products to   produced for the downstream sector and
       the energy mix revolution in transportation.   comply with the new rules.  export.
       Hydrocarbon-based conventional Diesel   Iran has already implemented the Euro 4   Back in early July, the NPC head had said
       consumption is prone to be dramatically   standard for exhaust emissions of all vehicles   that Iranian engineers are going to indigenize
       reduced in the coming decades, driven by the   traveling in the country.  the knowledge for the production of 72
       ambitious carbon emission and sustainability   Increasing gasoline quality standards   percent of the catalysts needed in the country’s
       targets globally.”                  has enabled Iranian refiners to market their   petrochemical industry by the end of the
         Electrification, gas and hydrogen for the   products in various countries in Asia and   current Iranian calendar year (March 2022).
       transportation sector are still further down   elsewhere.                  According to Behzad Mohammadi,
       the road to have a major impact, but the   It has also led to a significant reduction in   the country needs $275 million worth of
       natural, and already implemented strategy, is   pollution in large cities like the capital Tehran.  catalysts annually, $200 million of which is
       to replace conventional fuels with biofuels.   Shariati said that the Euro 4 emission   domestically supplied.
         In Europe alone, renewable diesel demand   standards have been fully complied with in   NPC, in collaboration with domestic
       is expected to exceed 14 million tons by 2030,   large cities over the past years although he   research institutes and knowledge-based
       from today’s figure of 6 million tons.   admitted that there have been issues with the   companies, is currently working seriously
         Similar development takes place in North   quality of gasoline supplied to gas stations in   on indigenizing the knowledge for the
       America and the developing world. BioD   some smaller cities.            production of the rest of the catalysts needed
       Technologies is riding at the crest of this   He said Iran’s Oil Ministry has been   in the country’s petrochemical industry.
       global demand wave, and will invest into   working to improve the quality of diesel   Back in March 2020, the Managing
       larger capacity, as the current refineries are in   produced by domestic refineries to make   Director of the country’s Petrochemical
       full operation.”                    it more consistent with latest emissions   Research and Technology Company (PRTC)
       BIOD                                standards.                           Ali Pajouhan had said NPC was planning to
                                              The official said the full enforcement of   indigenize nine major catalysts used in the

       P16                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                      Week 36   09•September•2021
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