Page 14 - DMEA Week 36 2021
P. 14

DMEA                                   TERMINALS & SHIPPING                                            DMEA

       Sonangol signs three contracts

       for Barro do Dando fuel terminal

        AFRICA           ANGOLA’S  national oil company (NOC)   When finished, the Barro do Dande terminal
                         Sonangol reported last week that it had finalised  will serve as a point of entry for petroleum prod-
                         several contracts related to the planned con-  uct deliveries to Angola.
                         struction of a petroleum product import termi-  It will be able to store 580,000 cubic metres
                         nal at Barro do Dande, about 60 km north of the  of motor fuels (gasoline and diesel) as well as
                         capital Luanda.                      102,000 cubic metres of LPG. The project may
                           In a statement, Sonangol said it had signed  create as many as 3,500 new jobs during the con-
                         three new contracts, including a contract with  struction stage.
                         OECI, the international arm of the Brazilian   Sonangol has said that the terminal will be
                         construction giant OEC (formerly known as  built in several phases, with the first phase due
                         Odebrecht Engenharia e Construção) for engi-  to come online before the end of 2022. OECI, for
                         neering, procurement, construction and com-  its part, said it expected to begin construction
                         missioning (EPCC) services. The NOC also  before the end of September.
                         signed two contracts with local firms – one with
                         DAR Angola for supervision of the terminal pro-  LPG plant
                         ject and another with SOAPRO for an environ-  In related news, a Sonangol representative
                         mental impact assessment (EIA).      revealed last week that the company intended
                           As of press time, Sonangol had not revealed  to build a LPG plant adjacent to the Barro do
                         the value of the contracts. It did stress, though,  Dande terminal.
                         that it had chosen the three contractors in public   Manuel de Barros, the executive commit-
                         tenders.                             tee chairman of the NOC’s gas and renewable
                           OECI confirmed the NOC’s statement, say-  energy division, told Rádio Nacional de Angola
                         ing in a press release last week that it had won the  (RNA) that the project would significantly
                         contract through a competitive bidding process.  expand the country’s LPG production capacity.
                         It noted that it had been one of nine international  He indicated that the new facility would be able
                         companies to submit offers for the EPCC con-  to produce about twice as much as Sonangol’s
                         tract and attributed its success to its own exten-  existing LPG plant at the Carlos Pinta Nogueira
                         sive experience in similar projects.  complex in Luanda.
                           The project has been the subject of some con-  De Barros did not say when construction was
                         troversy in the past, as it was originally assigned  slated to begin or how much the project would
                         to a businessman with ties to Isabel dos Santos,  cost. He did state, though, that the LPG plant was
                         the daughter of Angola’s former president Jose  anticipated to remain in operation for 30 years.
                         Eduardo dos Santos.                    The facility will initially serve Angola’s
                           Isabel dos Santos, one of the richest women in  domestic fuel markets and may expand later
                         Africa, is widely believed to have used her fam-  into neighbouring countries, he added. “We
                         ily connections to secure the chairmanship of  have ambitions of pursuing the Namibian and
                         Sonangol and control of various valuable assets.  Zambian markets,” he told RNA.™

       P14                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                      Week 36   09•September•2021
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