Page 10 - DMEA Week 36 2021
P. 10

DMEA                                   FINANCE & INVESTMENT                                            DMEA

       Consortium to sell bonds to

       refinance Aramco pipe loan

        MIDDLE EAST      THE consortium of companies that leased a  is targeted in December 2021.
                         minority stake in Saudi Aramco’s oil pipeline   Aramco is seeking to outdo the records it set
                         business is planning to issue $4bn or more of  with the oil pipeline deal as it attempts to move
                         bonds later this year to refinance the loan that  forward with an almost identical deal for its gas
                         paid for the deal.                   pipeline business. The company is understood
                           Led by US-based investor EIG Global Part-  to be targeting at least $17bn when it leases out
                         ners, in April the group acquired a 49% stake in  a stake in the anticipated Aramco Gas Pipelines
                         Aramco Oil Pipelines Co. (AOPC) for a dura-  Co. (AGPC).
                         tion of 25 years under a $12.4bn deal that grants   As it did for the AOPC deal, Reuters’ sources
                         the Saudi firm exclusive rights to use, transport  said that Aramco has – through advisors –
                         through, operate and maintain the extensive  approached potential bidders including state-
                         network. For this, it will pay a “quarterly, vol-  backed Chinese and South Korean funds as well
                         ume-based tariff.                    as North American private equity and infra-
                           This will be backed by minimum volume  structure funds. The formal sale process is antic-
                         commitments and Aramco will retain full own-  ipated to begin in the next month.
                         ership of the pipelines.               Several of those believed to have been
                           The agreement was facilitated by $10.5bn  approached by Aramco’s advisors were in the
                         in staple financing arranged by Aramco with  running either for the oil pipelines deal or one or
                         a group of banks including BNP Paribas, Citi-  both of similar oil and gas pipeline deals by Abu
                         group, HSBC Holdings and Mizuho Financial  Dhabi National Oil Co. (ADNOC) which served
                         Group. The sources said that the bonds would  as the blueprint for Aramco’s effort.
                         be issued in two or three tranches, echoing com-  One source said that the deal might comprise
                         ments reported at the time of the deal, though  around $3.5bn of equity, with the remainder
                         expediting the 2022-2024 timeline.   made up of bank debt, while another said the
                           The first of these is expected to be issued  deal could surpass $20bn in value.
                         next month, with the consortium targeting at   Aramco’s Master Gas System network has a
                         least $4bn. A second tranche is planned to cover  total current capacity of 9.6bn cubic feet (272mn
                         around $5-5.5bn, though no date for this has yet  cubic metres) per day following expansion in
                         been indicated.                      2017 and 2018.
                           AOPC’s key asset is the massive East-West   An additional expansion phase was due to be
                         Pipeline (EWP), which is currently undergoing  completed in 2019, taking total capacity to 12.5
                         a $250mn project to raise capacity from 5mn  bcf (354 mcm) per day through an additional
                         barrels per day to 7mn bpd.          1,600 km of pipelines to increase gas supplies to
                           At various points over the past two years the  the Red Sea coast. However, articles on the Ara-
                         use of drag-reducing agents and “interim con-  mco website in October 2020 said that the “next
                         version of NGL pipelines” allowed for a “tempo-  phase” remained under construction, noting the
                         rary mechanical capacity increase” to reach the  addition of 821 km of new pipelines, just over
                         upper limit for short periods; however, during  half the amount predicted when it released its
                         2018 and 2019 flows averaged 2.1mn bpd.  2017 annual report.
                           The conduit is vital for Aramco as it trans-  According to Aramco, “the total length [of]
                         ports crude from the Abqaiq processing hub  pipeline in service, ready for commissioning,
                         in the oil-rich Eastern Province to refineries  or decommissioned, is 3,850 km, and pipelines
                         and export terminals at Yanbu’ on the Red Sea  under construction total an additional 1,075
                         Coast, and completion of the expansion project  km”.™

       P10                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                      Week 36   09•September•2021
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