Page 6 - DMEA Week 36 2021
P. 6

DMEA                                          COMMENTARY                                               DMEA

       Another East African pipeline

       faces ESG challenges

       Turkana County authorities have continued to fight Kenya’s government
       over land acquisition for the oil pipeline component of the LAPSSET project

        AFRICA           ESG (environmental, social and governance)  the grounds that it threatens local interests.
                         issues are already having a disruptive impact on   It remains to be seen whether the county’s
                         East Africa’s midstream sector.      objections to LLCOP ultimately have the same
       WHAT:               As NewsBase has reported previously, several  impact as the NGO campaign against EACOP.
       Nairobi is at odds with   commercial banks and export credit agencies  They may not, if they do not end up drawing the
       the Turkana County   have decided against supporting the East Africa  same level of international attention as the latter.
       administration over land   Crude Oil Pipeline (EACOP) since a group of
       acquisition for the LLCOP   more than 200 non-governmental organisations  Land acquisition issues
       pipeline.         (NGOs) launched a public campaign designed  So far, the topic has mostly drawn interest from
                         to draw attention to the project’s impact on  Kenyan press agencies, which reported recently
       WHY:              local ecosystems and greenhouse gas (GHG)  that Josphat Nanok, the governor of Kenya’s
       The midstream project is   emissions.                  Turkana County, and James Lomenen Ekomwa,
       the key to unlocking oil   But ESG issues aren’t just gaining prominence  a member of Kenya’s Parliament representing
       production in the South   because of campaigning by NGOs. They’re also  Turkana South, had criticised the government’s
       Lokichar basin.   arising on the local level, as a consequence of  approach to acquiring land for LLCOP.
                         efforts to protect the interests of local and indige-  Nanok recently alleged that Kenya’s National
       WHAT NEXT:        nous communities – as developments surround-  Land Commission (NLC) had begun acquiring
       If the land acquisition   ing the oil pipeline component of the Lamu  land on behalf of the State Department of Petro-
       dispute gains more   Port-South Sudan Ethiopia Transport Corridor  leum and Mining in violation of the country’s
       attention on the global   (LAPSSET) initiative demonstrate.  constitution and existing body of law. More
       stage, the Kenyan   These efforts have been spearheaded by the  specifically, he charged that NLC had impinged
       government’s effort to   government of Turkana County, which is lobby-  upon local authorities’ rights in the process of
       move the project forward   ing against the government’s approach to land  laying the groundwork for LLCOP.
       may stall.        acquisition for the Lokichar-Lamu Crude Oil   “The county government is the custodian
                         Pipeline (LLCOP) project.            of the community land and must be included
                           County authorities have already failed in  in such processes like compulsory land acqui-
                         their bid to make the court system, rather than  sition,” he was quoted as saying by the Nation
                         county and national governments, responsible  daily newspaper.
                         for the land acquisition process. Nevertheless,   He urged Nairobi to consult more closely
                         they are still working to block the pipeline, on  with the county administration, saying that this

       P6                                       www. NEWSBASE .com                      Week 36   09•September•2021
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