Page 17 - DMEA Week 36 2021
P. 17

DMEA                                       NEWS IN BRIEF                                              DMEA

       petrochemical industry within the next two   Secretary Mohammad-Amin Ebrahimi, the   The petrochemical industry has played a
       years.                              mentioned seminar was aimed to create a   key role in domestic economic growth as it
         The official said that NPC had signed 20   common language and synergy between   creates value-added and reduces the sale of
       contracts with knowledge-based companies   catalyst producers and consumers and also to   oil and gas on which the economy has been
       for mass production of catalysts and 70   provide a platform to discuss and evaluate the   dependent for decades.
       research projects were also underway in this   performance of the native catalysts.  With abundant hydrocarbon reserves
       regard.                                Petrochemical is Iran’s most important   and new private sector investments, Iran is
         In early January 2020, NPC held a seminar   industry after oil and gas. The National   working hard to maintain its global status in
       on the indigenization of petrochemical   Petrochemical Company hopes to lift output   this key sector and broaden its scope.
       industry catalysts in Kish Island.  capacity to 120 million tons per annum by   TEHRAN TIMES
         According to the seminar’s Executive   2022.

       Week 36   09•September•2021              www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P17
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