Page 4 - MEOG Week 41 2022
P. 4

MEOG                                          COMMENTARY                                               MEOG

       ADNOC Drilling bags

       more billion-dollar deals

       The Emirati firm has rapidly become the country’s go-to driller
       and is benefitting from its relationship with the state oil giant.

        UAE              THE drilling arm of the Abu Dhabi National Oil  increase production capacity to meet the world’s
                         Co. (ADNOC) picked up more major contracts  growing demand for energy with lower carbon
                         this week by its parent firm, this time focusing  intensity oil and gas.”
       WHAT:             on offshore expansion amid efforts to increase   Three days later, ADNOC said it had awarded
       More contracts were   oil production.                  a $980mn, 15-year deal to its subsidiary for the
       awarded this week   Valued at more than $2.5bn, ADNOC Drill-  hire of two jack-up offshore rigs and associated
       following a massive deal   ing’s deals cover the provision of rigs and drilling  manpower and equipment.
       in August.        services as its state-owned parent firm seeks to   On this occasion, Almazrouei said that the
                         raise oil output to 5mn barrels per day from the  award “supports our ongoing efforts to responsi-
       WHY:              current 4.2mn bpd or so. The date for achieving  bly unlock our lower carbon intensity oil and gas
       ADNOC Drilling has now   the uptick has apparently been brought forward  resources, alongside our strategic international
       been awarded nearly   in recent months, to 2025 rather than its previ-  partners, and contribute to global energy secu-
       $6bn worth of drilling and   ous 2030 target date.     rity. ADNOC Drilling’s world-class capabilities
       rig hire deals by ADNOC                                continues to be a key enabler of these efforts.”
       since the start of the year.  Latest deals               ADNOC Drilling will support ADNOC
                         On October 10, ADNOC announced that it had  Offshore in expanding its contribution to the
       WHAT NEXT:        handed its subsidiary $1.53bn worth of drilling  national total to 2mn bpd.
       It is working to support   work covering the provision of 12 jack-ups, two   This  will  focus  on  expanding  output  at
       ADNOC’s aim of    island rigs and associated integrated drilling ser-  Upper Zakum – the world’s fourth largest oil-
       increasing oil production   vices (IDS) for a period of two years.  field – from 750,000 bpd to 1mn bpd by 2024,
       by around 800,000 bpd by   Yaser Saeed Almazrouei, ADNOC Upstream  and Lower Zakum to 450,000 bpd by 2025 and
       2025 and perhaps 6mn   executive director, said: “Through this award,  500,000 bpd by 2028 with local firm National
       bpd by the end of the   ADNOC Offshore will continue to responsibly  Petroleum Construction Co. (NPCC) hav-
       decade.           harness the energy in Abu Dhabi’s waters, as we  ing been hired through a $946mn EPC deal to

       P4                                       www. NEWSBASE .com                        Week 41   12•October•2022
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