Page 6 - MEOG Week 41 2022
P. 6

MEOG                                   PIPELINES & TRANSPORT                                           MEOG

       Iran resumes gas

       exports to Turkey

        IRAN             IRAN has resumed gas exports to neighbouring  Tehran had enough gas matched with distribu-
                         Turkey after completing pipeline repairs, accord-  tion capability to maintain its exports. Others
                         ing to the National Iranian Gas Co. (NIGC), as  asked if Ankara was struggling to pay its gas debt
                         reported on October 10 by Shana, the official  to Iran given its depleted FX reserves.
                         energy news service of the Iranian petroleum   Even though Iran has the second-largest gas
                         ministry.                            reserves in the world after Russia, it has a rela-
                           NIGC official Mohammad Reza Jolaei said  tively low production rate.
                         Iran’s gas exports to Turkey were halted for eight   Iran last year supplied around 16% of Turkey’s
                         days from October 2 to enable the repairs.  gas. Russia is the biggest supplier of gas to Turkey,
                           In January, Turkey’s state-run monopolistic  followed by Azerbaijan.
                         pipeline operator Botas introduced rolling gas   Turkey imports gas from Iran under an agree-
                         cuts to industry citing reduced Iranian gas flows.  ment signed in 1996 for up to 10bn cubic metres
                           Iran explained the restricted flows by point-  (bcm) year until July 2026.
                         ing to required maintenance on energy infra-  It commenced in 2001 and was later reduced
                         structure, but analysts questioned whether  to 9.6 bcm per year.™

                                                POLICY & SECURITY

       Iraq will cut refinery runs to

       comply with OPEC+ quotas

        IRAQ             IRAQ has decided to carve out a path toward   The OPEC representative was speaking sev-
                         compliance with OPEC+ production targets  eral days after the OPEC+ group unveiled its
                         through the downstream sector rather than  new production targets for November. The new
                         the upstream sector in November, according  schedule sets Iraq’s quota at 4.43mn barrels per
                         to Mohammad Saadoun Mohsen, the country’s  day of oil next month, down from 4.65mn bpd in
                         OPEC representative.                 October and 4.66mn bpd in September.
                           Mohsen revealed details of the country’s plan   Questions about the mode of Iraq’s compli-
                         to Argus Media on October 11, explaining that  ance with the November production cuts have
                         Iraq would reduce domestic refinery throughput  arisen since the country fell short of its target in
                         rather than cut production in order to comply  September. The full extent of the shortfall is not
                         with its OPEC+ quota for the month of Novem-  clear; Argus Media said it had estimated the gap
                         ber. He indicated that Baghdad had already  at about 110,000 bpd, but Iraq’s government-run
                         made plans to head off potential fuel shortages,  oil marketing agency has put forward a much
                         saying that the country would import refined  smaller number of 1,000 bpd. Either way, Bagh-
                         fuels if necessary to meet local demand.  dad will still have to make additional reductions
                           “To bring down our production to match our  to remain in compliance in November.
                         quota in November, we will reduce our refinery   Mohsen did not say exactly how next month’s
                         runs internally,” he said to Argus Media. “And if  throughput cuts would be allocated among Iraq’s
                         we need to match domestic [petroleum product]  12 working refineries, which have a combined
                         needs, especially for gasoline or gasoil, we will  design capacity of about 1mn bpd. The country
                         be increasing our import level of such products.”  is slated to bring one more oil-processing plant,
                           He added: “Our plan is to keep our crude  the 140,000 bpd Karbala refinery, online before
                         export levels as is.”                the end of this year.™

       P6                                       www. NEWSBASE .com                        Week 41   12•October•2022
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