Page 14 - EurOil Week 47 2022
P. 14

EurOil                                       NEWS IN BRIEF                                             EurOil

       Estonia threatens to use veto in     taxation on the Russian oil imported to   are strategic partners that cooperate in many
                                                                                areas, and indicated that the cooperation
                                            Slovakia. Together with Czechia and Hungary,
       Russian oil price cap dispute        Slovakia has an exemption from the EU   documents represent the legal basis for
                                                                                further development of relations.
                                            embargo on the Russian oil imports which
       Estonia is after an agreement in the EU for   kicks in at the beginning of December.  “We talked about energy and we
       a lower price cap on Russian oil than what   The cabinet led by premier Eduard Heger   will continue those talks about natural
       has been proposed by the G7. Minister of   (OLaNO) have been discussing since May   gas, electricity and indeed there are
       Foreign Affairs Urmas Reinsalu hinted that   how to impose a windfall tax on Russian oil,    new possibilities and opportunities for
       Estonia could resort to its veto right, ERR.  following a proposal by Finance Minister Igor   cooperation,” the Azerbaijani president said.
       ee, an Estonian news website, reported on   Matovic (OLaNO).  OLaNO’s then coalition   He pointed out that Azerbaijan has rich gas
       November 24.                         partner SaS, a libertarian party led by Richard   resources and plays an important role in the
         Reuters reported on November 24 that   Sulik, had opposed the tax but it left the   energy security of many countries.
       European Union governments failed to agree   coalition in September, depriving Heger’s   “Our role will grow, and we will cooperate
       on whether to support the G7’s $65-70 per   cabinet of majority backing in the parliament.  with friendly countries in the first place, not
       barrel price cap proposal.             OLaNO and SaS disagreement still   only when it comes to energy, but in all areas,”
         “Estonia finds that the price horizon’s   prevents the implementation of the tax today,   Aliyev said.
       ambition is too low, considering that the   public broadcaster RTVS reports. SaS argues   Vucic announced that in the next 20 days,
       EU has also failed to agree on a ninth   revenue from the tax needs to redistributed   he will pay a working visit to Baku with a
       sanctions package. The cap seems too high,”   to people and it has also submitted several   delegation of several ministers to continue
       Minister of Foreign Affairs Urmas Reinsalu   amendments to the legislation.  talks on further cooperation.
       (Isamaa party) said at the government press   “One of the amendments lowers the VAT
       conference on November 24.           on fuel to 8%. Another lowers consumer
         “It is a critical moment where all member   tax on fuels as well,” SaS chairman of the   Baltic states, Poland pushing for
       states have an equal vote,” the foreign minister   Parliamentary Financial Committee Marian
       added, pointing to EU foreign policy rules on   Viskupic was quoted as saying. It is unclear   EU-wide price cap on Russian oil
       consensual decision-making or countries’ de   whether there will be enough backing in the
       facto veto rights.                   parliament to move on with the legislation.     Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, and Poland are
         “Expressing our position clearly in a life   RTVS also notes there have been no   pushing other EU countries and the European
       or death situation such as this war is surely   talks with the Slovak oil-processing refinery   Commission to agree on a Russian oil price
       justified. Therefore, these discussions are   Slovnaft, which is owned by Hungary’s MOL,   cap and the EU’s ninth sanctions package
       ongoing,” Reinsalu said.             over whether taxation could raise price   against Moscow at the same time, Politico has
         Reuters wrote that Poland, Estonia and   of fuel in Slovakia. “I am not leading any   reported.
       Latvia remain opposed to the proposed cap,   negotiations, but there is no guarantee” as   The four countries have been arguing for
       which they find too high in a situation where   to the possible hike in fuel prices, OLaNO   tougher EU sanctions against Russian since
       the cost price of Russian oil is around $20.   Chairman of the Parliamentary Economy   the start of its war in Ukraine.
       This would leave Moscow with plenty of   Committee Peter Kremsky said.     According to Politico, however, other EU
       oil income. Politico and Reuters report that   The exemption on imports of Russian   countries are less enthusiastic about linking
       Poland asked for the ceiling to be set at $30   oil also entails that Slovnaft curtails export   the oil price cap to new sanctions. They argue
       per barrel.                          of produced fuel abroad over the next 18   that the ninth sanctions package is not ready
         Lithuania is not either satisfied with the   months. Slovnaft is working on replacing   yet and including measures, such as oil price
       European Commission’s proposed price cap   Russian oil.                  caps, would make the negotiations more
       on wholesale natural gas, President Gitanas                              difficult.
       Nauseda said on November 24.                                               The ninth EU sanctions package is
         “The proposed solution is unsatisfactory   Serbia and Azerbaijan deepen   expected to focus on individual listings,
       because it would not help to protect ourselves                           hitting Russian officials, propagandists,
       even against the peak we had in the past,”   co-operationr               executives, and other figures, two EU officials
       he said at a joint news conference with                                  told Politico, reports, the website of
       Romanian President Klaus Iohannis in Vilnius  Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic met   Lithuanian public broadcaster LRT.
       on November 24.                      President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev in
         U.S. Secretary of the Treasury Janet Yellen   Belgrade on November 23, discussing
       has proposed the cap at $60, Politico wrote on   cooperation in the field of energy and the   Baltic states and Poland
       November 24.                         deepening of their partnership.
         The publication said that most EU member   Amid the energy crisis, Serbia plans to   pushing for EU-wide price cap
       states agree to the price ceiling proposed by   secure at least 30-40% of gas supplies from
       the G7.                              alternative suppliers to Russia, including from   on Russian oil
         The price of Brent crude is currently   Azerbaijan.
       hovering around the $85 mark, said.  Seven bilateral documents were signed   Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, and Poland are
                                            during the meeting including a memorandum   pushing other EU countries and the European
                                            of understanding (MoU) to establish the   Commission to agree on a Russian oil price
       Slovak legislators still             Strategic Partnership Council between Serbia   cap and the EU’s ninth sanctions package
                                                                                against Moscow at the same time, Politico has
                                            and Azerbaijan.
       divided over implementation          and the two countries persistently protect   reported.
                                              “Azerbaijan is a reliable partner of Serbia,
                                                                                  The four countries have been arguing for
       of windfall tax on Russian oil       territorial integrity and support each other in   tougher EU sanctions against Russian since
                                                                                the start of its war in Ukraine.
                                            international organizations,” Vucic was cited
       Deputies at the Slovak parliament have still   by broadcaster RTS.         According to Politico, however, other EU
       not reached an agreement on implementating   Aliyev said that Serbia and Azerbaijan   countries are less enthusiastic about linking

       P14                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                      Week 47   28•November•2022
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