Page 16 - EurOil Week 47 2022
P. 16
NewsBase Roundup Global (NRG)
NRG Welcome to NewsBase’s Roundup Global GLNG: Tanzania Expects To Sign Several
(NRG), in which the reader is invited to join Agreements On LNG Project In December
our team of international editors, who provide a Tanzanian Energy Minister January
snapshot of some of the key issues affecting their Makamba reiterated on November 7 that
regional beats. We hope you will like NRG's new his country’s government was optimistic
concise format, but by clicking on the headline about its chances of signing a package
link for each section the full text will be available of agreements in December with Shell
as before. (UK) and Equinor (Norway), the for-
eign shareholders in the Tanzania LNG
AfrOil: Eni, CNOOC Submit Bids For Six consortium.
Blocks Offshore Mozambique “It’s happening,” Makamba told
Mozambique’s sixth licensing round has Bloomberg in an interview on the side-
attracted a total of six bids, with Italy’s Eni lines of the COP27 international climate
making an offer for one offshore block in summit in Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt. “In
the Angoche basin and China National Off- December, we will conclude the conver-
shore Operating Corp. (CNOOC) making sation. We are in the fiscal package dis-
offers for five blocks in the Angoche and cussions now.”
Save basins, the National Petroleum Institute
(INP) has said. LatAmOil: Guyana Starts First Competitive
Offshore Licensing Round
AsianOil: Petroleum Sarawak Plans Four Guyana has launched its first-ever compet-
Gas Hubs Over Next Decade itive oil and gas licensing round and is now
The Malaysian state of Sarawak on the island accepting bids for 14 offshore blocks, the
of Borneo intends to build four gas hubs country’s Ministry of Natural Resources
across its territory over the next 10 years said on November 4.
in accordance with its Gas Roadmap. An The ministry announced the opening
investment of MYR65bn ($14.3bn) will be of the auctions in a statement, saying that
undertaken by state-owned oil and gas com- the government had completed the process
pany Petroleum Sarawak Berhad (Petros) to of identifying the blocks that were to be
build gas hubs in Miri, Samalaju, Bintulu and included in the bidding contest.
MEOG:Kuwait Pledges To Reach Net Zero
DMEA: Iranian Petrochemical Companies Kuwait committed at this week’s COP27
Look Upstream summit in Egypt to reaching ‘net-zero’
A consortium of Iranian petrochemical emissions from oil and gas by 2050, and
companies has commenced the process a decade later for the rest of its economy.
of developing three natural gas fields in The announcement comes a week after
Iran. This is the first time in the history of regional hegemon Saudi Arabia reaf-
the country’s hydrocarbon industry that a firmed its own similar target.
petrochemical company has taken such a Kuwaiti Foreign Minister Salem al-Sa-
step, the secretary-general of the Iranian bah told Kuwait News Agency (KUNA)
Petrochemical Industry Employers Asso- that the plan to achieve carbon-neutral-
ciation, Ahmad Mahdavi Abhari, was ity was “a solid serious pledge that we will
quoted by local media agencies as saying. commit to”.
FSUOGM: Russian Fossil Fuel Exports NorthAmOil: Biden Unlikely To Change
Slump In October Course Even With A Republican-Led Con-
Russian fossil fuel exports slumped in gress
October to their lowest level since the start President Joe Biden and his administration
of Moscow’s invasion of Ukraine, a Finnish are unlikely to change course if there is a
think-tank has estimated. divided government following the midterm See the archive and
Revenues came to €21bn ($22bn) in elections on November 8, says a leading oil sign up to receive
October, Finland’s Centre for Research lobbyist. *NRG Editor’s Picks*
on Energy and Clean Air (CREA) said “I do not see the administration changing for free by email each
in research published on November 16. their policies – they did not change them when week here
This was down 7% month on month, with [gasoline] prices were most high,” said the
declines seen across all fossil fuel commod- American Petroleum Institute (API)’s senior
ities except LNG, where revenues increased vice president of policy, economics and regu-
9% m/m. latory affairs, Frank Macchiarola.
P16 www. NEWSBASE .com Week 47 28•November•2022