Page 4 - EurOil Week 47 2022
P. 4

EurOil                                        COMMENTARY                                               EurOil

       EU releases symbolic gas and

       preliminary oil cap price numbers

       There are concerns that the proposed gas cap would be ineffectual.

        RUSSIA           THE European Commission has released the  price is due to be confirmed by EU energy min-
                         prices for the proposed gas and preliminary oil  isters at a meeting on November 24.
       WHAT:             price cap that will be confirmed in the coming   “This price cap for gas is proposed for a year
       The European      days, but both are at a level that is more of a sym-  in futures for a month ahead. Thus the EU tries
       Commission has    bolic gesture, rather than the crushing sanctions  to avoid damaging the gas market, while in real-
       proposed a €275/MWh   many hoped would be announced.   ity it costs Russia nothing to sell its gas via pipe-
       price cap on front-month   The West set the gas price cap for gas price  line or as LNG at a profitable price. Now the price
       gas contracts at the TTF   futures traded on the Dutch TTF exchange at an  of gas is at the level of €120 per MWh, or €1,298
       hub.              extremely high level of €275/MWh (€2,974 per  per 1,000 cubic metres,” Denis Cenusa said in a
                         1,000 cubic metres). The EU has said it is seek-  tweet. Cenusa is an academic at the East Europe
       WHY:              ing to prevent "greater damage to the economy"  Studies Centre and bne IntelliNews contributor
       Brussels is looking to   of the EU. However, a caveat means the cap will  who follows the energy story.
       reduce the soaring cost   only be triggered if this price level is breached for   The oil price cap price has not been finalised
       of gas.           two consecutive weeks.               but will be reportedly in the range of $60-$70
                           A second proposed trigger is the spread  – again at a level that will probably not cost the
       WHAT NEXT:        between the TTF exchange price and the global  Kremlin any money.
       The proposal could get   LNG price exceeding €58 within 10 trading days.   “Global recession is pulling down the Brent
       watered down during EU   The price ceiling is limited to only one futures  oil price (blue). Russian oil trades at a discount
       member state talks.  product so that market operators can still pur-  to Brent and that discount now puts the price
                         chase gas on the spot market and on the over the  Putin gets per barrel around $60-65. A price
                         counter (OTC) market and thus ensure the secu-  cap of $65 will do little to hurt Putin. The West
                         rity of supply, the EC said.         needs to ramp down the price cap to $30,” Robin
                           The restrictions will be valid for a year and  Brooks, chief economist at Institute of Interna-
                         come into effect on January 1, 2023. The final  tional Finance (IIF), said in a tweet.

                         Average monthly price per barrel

       P4                                       www. NEWSBASE .com                      Week 47   28•November•2022
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