Page 5 - EurOil Week 47 2022
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EurOil                                       COMMENTARY                                               EurOil

                         The final oil cap price will be determined at a  announced disappointing progress with repair
                         G7 meeting on November 23 after a “technical  work on the nuclear power station fleet, which
                         exercise” is carried out, the US Department of  will keep production of power at half the usual
                         the Treasury said in a statement the same day.  levels for the rest of the winter.
                           "The price cap for Russian oil will be set after   Power prices in Italy (€233/MWh), the UK
                         a technical exercise conducted by the Price Cap  (GBP283/MWh) and Germany (€178/MWh)
                         Coalition," reads the document, published on  have all fallen back from September peaks. Spain
                         November 22 as cited by Tass. No further details  (€73/MWh) has the lowest power prices of the
                         were given.                          major economies in the EU, but is also almost
                           Dutch front-month natural gas futures  entire non-reliant on Russian gas to fire its gen-
                         advanced more than 5% to €126/MWh on  eration plants.
                         November 23, their highest level in a month
                         and extending gains for a fourth session, reports  Gas price cap at €275/MWh
                         Trading Economics.                   Gas traders say the price of the cap makes little
                           A day earlier Gazprom warned it would curb  difference and is largely a symbolic gesture and
                         gas travelling through Ukraine from November  is unlikely to be triggered.
                         28, via the last remaining pipeline still bringing   During the worst of this year’s price spikes
                         Russian gas to Western Europe. The transit cut  rates briefly breached this level and rose to over
                         will come at a time when temperatures are set  €300/MWh, but only stayed there for around five
                         to dip below average as the first snows fall in  days before falling below the price cap level. The
                         Ukraine and Russia.                  proposed gas price cap level is so high that this
                           However, above-normal temperatures so far  mechanism would not have been triggered any
                         this autumn have allowed gas storage sites to  time this year, despite the ongoing energy crisis.
                         remain near full, creating a buffer for the winter   “Even at the peak of the EU gas price crisis in
                         as storage in the EU tanks remains well ahead  August, when prices briefly hit an all-time high
                         of the five-year average. As of November 20, gas  of €342 per MWh, they didn't stay above the €275
                         reserves in the EU were 95% replete, and the total  per MWh for two consecutive weeks. So the cap
                         storage level in Germany was 100%.   would not have been activated,” said Javier Blas,
                           Electricity prices remain elevated in France at  a commodities columnist at Bloomberg in tweet.
                         €427/MWh after the French power authorities  “We now have a cap that doesn't cap.”

                EU Natural Gas

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