Page 8 - EurOil Week 47 2022
P. 8

EurOil                                        COMMENTARY                                               EurOil

                         Commission touted the agreement as a victory  in any case, it would seem that Azerbaijan has
                         in its efforts to diversify EU gas supply. But it was  the potential to provide Europe with the gas that
                         never specified whether the extra supply would  it wants. However, at all of these projects, foreign
                         be sourced.                          investment, technology and know-how will be
                           According to Eurasianet, citing a source close  needed to drive development. This is particularly
                         to the Shah Deniz consortium, which is respon-  true at Umid and Babek, which are both geologi-
                         sible for all Azeri gas exports, no additional  cally complex fields that currently lack any West-
                         export deals have been agreed to sell gas from  ern participation.
                         the field, beyond the 10 bcm per year already   Investment may also be harder to secure, as
                         contractually agreed. This raises the question of  many Western majors have announced plans to
                         whether the Russian gas will be resold to fulfil  scale back capital expenditure in oil and gas over
                         the EU deal.                         the coming years in favour of renewables and
                           The resumption of Russian gas supply to  other low-carbon technologies. This includes
                         Azerbaijan may simply indicate that Baku is  BP, the biggest investor in Azerbaijan’s oil sector,
                         once again concerned about the domestic supply  whose present strategy calls for a 40% cut in oil
                         squeeze. And indeed, the Azeri-EU deal is only a  and gas production over the next decade.
                         memorandum, and therefore non-binding. But   Western financiers, likewise, have made
                         the timing raises suspicion, and suggests that  commitments to phase out some or all of their
                         Brussels is continuing to support the Russian  fossil fuel investments, including the European
                         war effort in Ukraine, even if indirectly, as Azer-  Investment Bank (EIB), which played an integral
                         baijan could be able to use Russian gas to cover  role in getting the SGC pipeline project that con-
                         its domestic supply in order to free up volumes  nects Azerbaijan with the European gas market
                         for export to Europe.                started.
                           Azerbaijan is, of course, free to import as   On the other hand, SGC succeeded at a time
                         much gas as it wants. But if it is using Russian gas  when spot gas prices in Europe were generally
                         to send more supply to Europe, this would obvi-  low. Thanks to political support from the EU
                         ously undermine the spirit of the Baku-Brussels  and nation states receiving Azeri gas, long-term
                         agreement. It would also serve as another exam-  contracts were agreed even though prices under
                         ple of how difficult Europe is finding it to secure  them did not always compete with Russian sup-
                         alternatives to Russian gas in the near term.  ply, or LNG spot cargoes.
                                                                Now the situation is very different. Spot
                         Long-term prospects                  prices are now exceptionally high, and Russian
                         Under the July deal, the EU is ultimately look-  supply is unreliable now, and is set to be elim-
                         ing to expand Azeri gas purchases to 20 bcm  inated under EU plans anyway in the coming
                         per year by 2027. In the long term, Azerbaijan  years. This gives extra Azeri gas, priced under
                         could have the potential to fulfil this goal, with-  long-term contracts, a competitive edge. Even if
                         out having to resort to significant amounts of  there is less political support from Brussels for
                         Russian gas. The country has a number of un-  new fossil fuel projects, it may be that market
                         developed discoveries that could be assigned to  conditions drive the case for increased supply. ™
                         the task.
                           Among the undeveloped finds in the Azeri
                         Caspian, the Absheron, Umid and Garabagh
                         fields are proven. Shah Deniz Stage 3, com-
                         prising gas reserves located beneath those that
                         are already in production, are not proven, and
                         neither are deeper gas layers at the Azeri-Chi-
                         rag-Guneshli (ACG) oil project. Neither have
                         resources been proven at the Babek prospect.
                           Karabagh, which is being developed by Azer-
                         baijan’s SOCAR and Norway’s Equinor under a
                         risk service agreement, could supply 2 bcm per
                         year at plateau, based on its reserves and state-
                         ments by the Azeri government. This extra vol-
                         ume would only be ready by 2025-26, however.
                           Absheron, developed by a joint venture
                         between SOCAR and France’s TotalEnergies,
                         could flow 5 bcm per year, but not until after
                         2027. The existing Umid field is currently pro-
                         ducing 1.7 bcm per year and this could be
                         ramped up to 3 bcm. Meanwhile Babek, located
                         adjacent to the field, could produce 3-4 bcm per
                         year, according to Azeri state estimates, but like-
                         wise not for a few more years.
                           At Shah Deniz Stage 3 and ACG Deep Gas,
                         the drilling of new wells is due to start this year,
                         and results from the boreholes will help define
                         resource volumes and production potential. But

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