Page 16 - DMEA Week 11 2021
P. 16

DMEA                                        NEWS IN BRIEF                                              DMEA

       POLICY                              OPEC+ agreement that has accelerated the   Revenue (IGR), budgetary provisions and
                                           pace of moves to rebalance the global market.  Afreximbank.
       Saudi energy minister               action and continuing bilateral consultations   presented a memo on the rehabilitation of
                                             They also stressed the importance of joint
                                                                                  “The Ministry of Petroleum Resources
       holds talks with Kuwaiti            in efforts to preserve the gains that have been   Port Harcourt refinery for the sum of 1.5
                                           made, and to achieve further advancements.
                                                                                billion, and that memo was $1.5 billion and it
       counterpart                         ARAB NEWS                            was approved by council today.
                                                                                  “So we are happy to announce that the
       Saudi Minister of Energy Prince Abdul                                    rehabilitation of productivity refinery will
       Aziz bin Salman and Mohammed Al-Fares,   REFINING                        commence in three phases. The first phase is
       Kuwait’s oil minister, met in Riyadh and                                 to be completed in 18 months, which will take
       discussed ways in which cooperation could   FEC approves $1.5bn for      the refinery to a production of 90 percent of
       be enhanced in a number of energy-related                                its nameplate capacity.
       fields, the Saudi Press Agency reported on   repair of Port Harcourt     PREMIUM TIMES
          “The energy minister and his Kuwaiti   Refinery                       Fujairah Uniper refinery
       counterpart reviewed the positive
       developments that were reflected in   The Federal Executive Council (FEC) has   restarts partially, yet
       cooperation between the two countries,”    approved $1.5 billion (about N600 billion)
       according to the report.            for the rehabilitation of the Port Harcourt   marine fuel premiums stay
         The meeting comes a little over a year   refinery.
       after the Kingdom and Kuwait signed a new   The FEC approved the amount at its virtual   high
       border agreement to resume production at   meeting held Wednesday and presided by
       their shared oil fields in the neutral zone   President Muhammadu Buhari.  German energy trader Uniper’s one of two
       along their border. The countries also signed   The approval comes amidst a controversial   crude processing units at Fujairah came back
       a memorandum of understanding (MoU)   price increase in the pump price of petrol that   online on March 12 after an unexpected
       in December last year relating to procedures   was later reversed.       outage early in the week ended March 13, a
       for resuming petroleum production “which   Although Nigeria has four refineries, all   company spokesman told S&P Global Platts.
       embodied the distinguished relationship   government-owned, it currently imports   “We [have] informed our customers that
       between the two countries, and pushed   virtually all its refined petroleum products.  the unit which went into shut down, ramped
       toward achieving the common interests of   The Minister of State for Petroleum,   up again Friday last week,” he said in an email
       both parties.”                      Timipre Sylva, who briefed reporters after the   reply March 17.
         The ministers discussed the next steps in   FEC meeting said the rehabilitation will be   The outage, which has crimped product
       efforts to consolidate the successes achieved   done in three phases of 18, 24 and 44 months.  availability at the port, has however led
       as a result of implementing the agreement   He said the contract was awarded to   marine fuel premium at the port to reach
       and the MoU, and ways to develop them to   an Italian company, Tecnimont SPA, who,   multi-month highs in the recent days.
       achieve further progress in the interests of   according to the minister, are experts in   The premium for Fujairah-delivered
       both countries.                     refinery maintenance.                marine fuel 0.5%S bunker over FOB
         They talked about the state of the oil   Mr Sylva said the funding of the   Singapore marine fuel 0.5%S cargo surged
       market, joint cooperation between the two   repairs will be from many components   $17.84/mt on the day at $47.03/mt on March
       countries to support and maintain market   including the Nigerian National Petroleum   16, a 13-month high. The premium was last
       stability, and their active roles within the   Corporation (NNPC), Internally Generated   higher on Feb. 11, 2020, when it was assessed

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