Page 20 - DMEA Week 11 2021
P. 20
NewsBase Roundup Global (NRG)
NRG WELCOME to NewsBase’s Roundup Global BP last October on March 10, stating that after 18
(NRG), in which the reader is invited to join months of evaluation work it had decided not to
our team of international editors, who provide a pursue the Bolshoy Zhambyl, Zhemchuzhnaya
snapshot of some of the key issues affecting their and Kalamkas Sea blocks.
regional beats. We hope you will like NRG’s new
concise format, but by clicking on the headline GLNG: Albanian feasibility, US exports
link for each section the full text will be available Plenty of LNG-related developments continue
as before. to emerge. Last week, Excelerate Energy and
ExxonMobil LNG Market Development signed
AfrOil: Objections to fuel price hikes a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with
Fuel price hikes have sparked anger in two Afri- the government of Albania to conduct a feasi-
can countries over the last week. In Nigeria, the bility study for a potential LNG import terminal
Petroleum Products Pricing Regulatory Agency in the country. Separately, Spain’s Repsol used
(PPPRA) has come under fire for raising the carbon offsets for the first time to compensate
pump price of gasoline. In Kenya, the Energy for the emissions from LNG that it delivered to
and Petroleum Regulatory Authority (EPRA) Sweden’s Furetank Rederi at a terminal owned by
has increased prices for gasoline, diesel and ker- Enagas in south-eastern Spain.
osene, citing higher import costs.
LatAmOil: Pemex’s big discovery
AsianOil: Indonesia’s upstream targets Mexico’s national oil company (NOC) Pemex
Indonesia’s upstream watchdog SKK Migas has has reported the discovery of a large new field
set a local content target for upstream invest- off the coast of Tabasco State in the southern
ment in 2021, after the coronavirus (COVID-19) Gulf. Octavio Romero, the CEO of Pemex, has
pandemic derailed last year’s target. described the site as “gigantic” and says it may
The head of SKK Migas’ goods and services hold as much as 1bn barrels of crude in combi-
procurement management division, Erwin nation with other nearby deposits.
Suryadi, said on March 10 that upstream pro-
curement spending had amounted to $3bn in MEOG: ADNOC deal and Iraqi impasse
2020, with local content providers winning Last week, Abu Dhabi National Oil Co.
about 56% of that total. (ADNOC) continued its recent spate of strate-
gic tie-ups with Asian companies, finalising a
EurOil: Tulip divests Dutch fields broad agreement with Malaysian counterpart
Dutch firm Tulip Oil has agreed to sell a group Petronas.
of gas fields in the Netherlands’ offshore zone The Emirati firm said that they would explore
to AIM-listed investment group Kistos for at opportunities throughout the oil and gas value
least €220mn ($263mn), the companies said on chain, focusing on conventional and unconven-
March 12. Tulip will sell its subsidiary Tulip Oil tional resources in the upstream as well as assess-
Netherlands, which owns operating interests in ing potential fuel and petrochemicals projects in
the Q-10A gas field and the Q-10B, Q-11B and the downstream.
M10/M11 discoveries, as well as other projects in
the Dutch North Sea. NorthAmOil: Rig count down, output up
The US’ active rig count edged down by one last
FSU OGM: BP Axes Kazakh Plans week, according to oilfield services firm Baker
UK major BP has scrapped plans for three Hughes. This marked the first time the US rig
oil projects in Kazakhstan after announcing count had fallen since November.
a shift in its global strategy last year towards The small change does not necessarily indi-
renewables. cate a reversal of the overall upward trend in
Kazakhstan’s national oil company (NOC) recent months, but does show that US drillers
KazMunayGas (KMG) published a letter sent by continue to proceed with caution.
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