Page 17 - DMEA Week 11 2021
P. 17

DMEA                                        NEWS IN BRIEF                                             DMEA

       at $53/mt, Platts data showed.      addressing the problem.              down because no crude to refine as it has been
         In the upstream marine fuel 0.5%S cargo   The resolution was sequel to the adoption   diverted,”  he said.
       market too, prices of IMO-compliant fuel   of a motion by Rep. Ben Igbakpa (PDP-  VANGUARD
       loading in Fujairah have raced ahead of   Delta) at plenary on Wednesday. Speaking,
       Singapore in the recent days. Product loading   Igbakpa said that the Warri Refinery and
       from the Middle Eastern port typically trades   Petrochemical Company was mandated to   TERMINALS & SHIPPING
       at a discount to Singapore.         produce refined product from mainly local
         The spread between FOB Singapore marine  crude.                        Karpowership, Mitsui
       fuel 0.5%S and FOB Fujairah marine fuel   He explained that the three main sections
       0.5%S cargo has progressively narrowed since   of the production department which were   prepare to deploy FSRU
       early last week. After flipping into a negative   reforming, crude distillation and catalytic
       on March 12, the spread has further widened   cracking units have operated for the past years   offshore Senegal
       to minus $13.28/mt on March 16, the highest   due to the efforts of its personnel. According
       that marine fuel 0.5%S cargo loading in   to him, the plants were operating at an output   Karmol, a joint venture formed by Turkey’s
       Fujairah has traded over Singapore in the last   of around 115m3/hour which translates to   Karpowership and Japan’s Mitsui OSK Lines
       13 months.                          about 68 per cent installed capacity.  (MOL), is preparing to transfer a floating
         Meanwhile, the company’s second unit at   The rep said that products from the   storage and regasification unit (FSRU) to
       Fujairah was expected to restart by the end of   refinery included, Premium Motor Spirit   Senegal, where it will be used for an LNG-to-
       the week started March 14, a company source   (PMS) or Petrol, Automotive Gas Oil (AGO),   power project.
       said.                               Kerosene (DPK), LPG or cooking gas,    In a statement, MOL said that the joint
         Even if the second unit came back up   Low Pour Fuel Oil (LPFO) for Ships and   venture taken delivery of the ship, known as
       online as is expected, current tight availability   Industrial Fuel Carbon Black. “The refinery   the Karmol LNGT Powership Africa, from
       situation was likely to persist going into the   has not operate optimally due to allegedly   the Sembcorp Marine shipyard in Singapore
       week starting March 21, as there was a rather   top management decisions of the Nigerian   on March 15. It also stated that it had begun
       long queue of suppliers waiting to load out   National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC) to   sea trials of the vessel in advance of its
       product from Uniper, traders said.  ground the plant for personal benefit from   deployment off the coast of Senegal.
         “I heard one [unit] is back online and the   marketers importing products that can be   Karmol indicated that it expected the new
       other is expected this week, but the situation   produced in the refinery.  FSRU to depart from Singapore in early April
       don’t seem to be improving till next week as a   “The plant had severally shutdown due to   and arrive in Senegalese waters by mid-May
       lot of loadings are lined’s a long line of   haulage challenges, neglect in the evacuation   so that it can begin commercial operations
       people waiting to load,” said a Fujairah-based   of products, lack of functional or operational   in June. Once the unit arrives, it said, it will
       trader.                             storage tanks and poor maintenance culture   support the operations of the Karadeniz
         Uniper has two 40,000 b/d distillation   on the part of management which also   Powership Ayşegül Sultan, a vessel that
       columns in Fujairah, right alongside Vitol’s   constitutes another reason for the refinery   Karpowership has deployed offshore Senegal.
       82,000 b/d refinery. These two columns, which  non-functionality. “Aware of the alleged plan   Each of the two ships is capable of storing
       together constitute a micro refinery of sorts,   to ground the plant from refining products   125,000 cubic metres of gas, it noted.
       have been designed to process low sulfur   by members of the top echelon of the Warri   The Turkish company has been using
       crude oils to produce low sulfur fuel oil to the   Refinery in collaboration with the Chief   the Karadeniz Powership Sultan to generate
       tune of about 300,000 mt/month.     Operating Officer (COO) as well as diverting   electricity for delivery to Senegal’s domestic
       S&P PLATTS                          crude meant for refining.            market since August 2019. The ship has a
                                              “Also awarethat when crude oil is delivered   generating capacity of 235 MW and currently
       Reps to investigate alleged         from Escravous tank farm for refining, the   covers for about 15% of the West African
                                                                                state’s total power consumption. It was
                                           products are hoarded for about 14 days and
       sabotage of Warri Refinery          thereafter diverted through the refinery jetty   installed offshore Ghana before its transfer to
                                           to interested buyers (or specific companies
       The House of Representatives has resolved to   they have special interests in) who pay   The Karpowership vessel is capable of
       investigate alleged sabotage responsible for   less. “The resultant effects of this perceived   using both heavy residual fuel oil and natural
       frequent shutdown of Warri Refinery, towards   economic sabotage is that the plant is brought   gas to generate power. However, the Turkish

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